Book of Nightmares 4

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The sound of crickets
occupying the quiet frustration of sleeplessness.

The soft white noise of my fan filling my mind
with a melancholy stillness,
breaking the silence echoing in my room.

The restless shaking of my leg
breaking the stationary state of my body.

My mind once filled with thoughts,
Giving dreams room to run free
as sleep awakes in my body.

I awake to the soft chirping of the somewhat annoying bird,
Elegantly perched on my window seal.

The ball of fur crouching in the corner of the room,
Ready to pounce at the window
Framing the ever so slightly annoying bird,
That awoke me from my slumber.

The Everlasting war between
the lethargic state of my body and my half asleep mind,
Ending in the inevitable draw,
When I am pushed out of bed by the body that owns the hand that knocked on my door.

The cold, refreshing water
washing away the weary look
Gracing me with its presents.
Paired with my morning cleanser
washing away
the unbearable mask of grime.
The mint toothpaste
stinging my eyes as I dispel the morning breath from my mouth.

The strange comfort in changing clothes,
like declaring it a new day
As you put the old ones in the dirty clothes basket,
A calming ritual to start the morning.

The soothing taste of Cinnamon spice black tea,
accompanied by,
the smell of warmed milk and brown sugar waving from my cup.

The early morning grey skies
turning into red, orange, pink, and purple hues
As the daybreaks.

The wet grass filled air,

The sun reflecting off the morning dew scattered across the lawn,

The aromatic smell of my food
replacing the cold
sharp air stabbing at my throat,

My cat,
no longer attacking my window
but purring on my leg,

As i gaze out at the scenic veiw,
Whilst sitting in one of the
picket fence white chairs that grace my porch with their existence.

I have relived these moments so many times
that my mornings and
my nights,
have become all but a small variation of this poem.

Okay so I made two other poems like this one that I will be publishing tomorrow.

Also I don't know what to name this so if you have an idea please comment what you think would be a fitting name for this poem.

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