Part 1

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I'm standing on left stage banging on my guitar felling the crowd yelling the words to Spillway's back at us. I can feel the energy of everyone jumping up and down having a good time. I continue to play walking past Dew and Rain up the stairs to the drum set. I hear the thumping of the drums in my ears and I can also faintly hear Mountain breathing under his mask. After he finishes his little riff I reach over and fist bump him and the crowd erupts in screams. They love when we enter act, I can see the tweets now "Awwww sibling love!" I smile at him under my mask (even though he can't see me) I turn and go back down the stairs dancing around while I walk. I slide to the edge of the stage and see two girls standing in the crowd jumping and holding their hands out to me. I grab the hand of the one with the beautiful green eyes and bring it up to my mask as if I was kissing it. She screams and jumps around even more. Dew comes up behind me and mumbles
Dew- "That was hot."
I whip my head around but the time I do he already dancing away.
We get to the point of the ritual where we all get together and throw roses to the crowd. We go to the side of the stage and each get a handful of roses. I get mine and immediately walk over to the two girls from earlier. They immediately start screaming. I get down on my knee and hand one to each of them. I stand up and turn on my heels and I'm immediately met with a tall body. I look up to see Mountain, he leans down next to my ear and says
Mountain- "Stop flirting with the fans."
Y/n- "What! That's no fair the guys do it all the time!"
Mountain- "The guys aren't my little sister."
He stands straight up and walks away, I turn back around and throw the rest of the roses into the crowd. Then just to piss mountain off I blow the two girls a kiss.
We finish with the roses and bowing so we go backstage because papa likes to talk to the audience. As soon and we get back there Mountain rips his mask off and reveals his ghoulish face with a serious stare.
Mountain- "I told you not to flirt with them!"
Y/n- "You're not my father! You can't tell me what the fuck to do!"
I feel the fire burning in my eyes. Swiss notices I'm getting pissed and walks over.
Swiss- "Hey, why don't we just calm down."
Mountain sighs and let's his head drop.
Mountain- "Yeah, look y/n I'm sorry I-I shouldn't yell at you like that and you're right I can't tell you what to do. I'm just protective and I don't want you to get hurt. I love you I'm sorry."
Y/n- "Its okay I love you too."
I walk up and wrap my arms around his torso and I feel his arms wrap around my shoulders.
The rest of the band- "Awwwww!"
I pull away from him.
Y/n- "I hate you guys"
We all laugh, as soon as we stopped laughing papa walks in.
Papa- "Did I hear laughing?"
Dew- "Yeah Mountain and y/n  got in a fight, made up, and then y/n said she hated us."
Papa looked at him confused.
Papa- "I'm not gonna ask."
He walks over to me and Mountain and put a hand on each of our shoulders.
Papa- "Are you guys okay?"
He whispers so only me and Mountain can hear.
Y/n- "Yeah Mountain was just being a bitch."
I smiled at him so he knows that I'm joking.
Papa- "Well okay then. Mountain how about you come with me? Let's talk."
He offers Mountain a warm smile. He takes his hand off of my shoulder and pulls Mountain away. I turn and sit on the couch in between Aether and Dew. I lay my head on Aether's shoulder.
Y/n- "I hate fighting with him."
I feel the tears bubbling in my eyes. Aether notices and wraps his arm around my shoulders.
Aether- "I know, he doesn't like fighting with you either, he's just- scared that you're gonna get hurt."
Y/n- "I glad that he cares. He just worries a little to much."
Aether and I have always been close friends. He's like my second brother.
Word count- 768

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