Part 23

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Y/n's POV
By the time I catch up to Dew he's already in the infirmary.
Dew-"This isn't fair! Y/n punched that asswhole because he deserved it! And- and I'm not gonna let you ruin her Christmas, or mine! I want to be with my girlfriend on Christmas....please papa don't make her stay here."
Papa stands up and walks up to Dew and looks into his eyes. Dew stumbles back with a scared look on his face.
Dew-" um...uh I-I'm sorry Papa but-"
Me, Dew, and Swiss-"What?!"
Papa-"You can go but, you have to apologize to Swiss."
When he heard that Swiss sat up with a shit eating grin on his face. I really want to punch him again I think to myself but, Dew's looking at me with pleading eyes. I walk over to Swiss, I do feel bad that I punched him but he makes it really hard to feel bad when he's looking at me like that.
Y/n-"I'm sorry I punched you Swiss...."
Papa-"Okay now Swiss apologize."
All of the sudden I'm not mad anymore and my smile grows when Swiss looks at Papa confused.
Swiss-"What!? Why do I have to apologize? She punched me!"
Papa-"You need to apologize to Dew for teasing him and Y/n for getting in her face after she told you to stop."
Papa-"Unless you want to stay here?"
Swiss sighs and sits his ice pack next to him.
Swiss-"I'm sorry Dew for teasing you.... Uh and Y/n I'm sorry for getting in your face."
I grab Swiss's arm and pull him up so he's standing, then I wrap my arms around his waist and bury the side of my face into his chest.
Y/n-"I forgive you Swiss..... I really am sorry about your lip."
He stands there confused for a second then wraps his arms around my shoulders.
Swiss-"I guess I forgive you too.."
I pull away and we smile at each other.
Papa-"Alright! Let's get outta here and go have some fun!"
Y/n, Swiss, and Dew-"Yeah!"
I grab Dew's hand as we walk out the door and I whisper to him
Y/n-"Thank you for doing that."
He just turns and smiles at me. We all walk to the front door and are met with everyone waiting for us. Swiss walks over to Mountain with his head down
Swiss-"I'm sorry for burning you.."
Mountain-"Don't worry about it, Hows your lip?"
Mountain smirks, Swiss glares at him.
Swiss-"I guess I deserved that."
Everyone laughs and we all head out to the van.  We sat in this order:
Middle row- Dew, Y/n, Mountain
Back row-Swiss, Rain
As Papa was driving we all started telling stories.
Mountain-"Oh! I got one! One time when I was like.... 11? And Y/n was like 8 or something I got the bright idea to scare Y/n so I hid behind the door of her room and when she came out I jumped out at her and she-"
That's when I realized how this story goes so I yell
Y/n-"NO! You are not telling this story!"
Swiss leans up and shakes me by my shoulders.
Swiss-"Aww come on Y/n! Let him finish!"
Aether and Rain-"Yeah!"
I look over at Dew who has a huge smile on his face and then I glare over at Mountain.
Mountain-"Yeah come on it's funny!"
I cross my arms and start to feel my face get hot. Mountain put his arm around my shoulders and continues anyway.
Mountain-"Anywayyyyy.. I jumped out at her and she-*laughs*- pissed herself"
Everyone bursts out laughing so to defend myself yell
Y/n-"I was 8! And you scared the shit out of me!!"
Swiss-"Well he definitely scared the piss out of you."
Everyone starts laughing even harder. I smile and feel my face heat up more. I look over at Mountain who's dying of laughter.
Y/n-"I fucking hate you."
I say as I flip him off. He smiles at me and kisses the top of my head (In a brotherly way!). We all tell a few more stories then decide that we should get food before we get to the bowling alley. We pull into the drive through line and Aether starts trying to collect everyone's orders for Papa before we get to the front of the line.
Aether-"Okay what does everyone want?"
Y/n and Rain-"CHICKEN NUGGETS!!"
I turn around and me and Rain fist bump causing everyone to laugh. Mountain shakes his head
Mountain-"You guys are children."
Aether struggles to get everyone's orders because people are talking over each other and changing their minds but, eventually he gets them down and just in time for Papa to order. We get through the rest of the drive through and Papa sits all the food in Aether's lap. Aether picks up each order yelling it out then handing it to whoever claims it.
Aether-"Burger no tomatoes!"
I grab Dew's food from Aether and hand it to him with a kiss on his nose. Dew giggles
Dew-"Thank you."
Aether-"You guys are gross...uh Chicken nuggets!"
Rain and Y/n-"Me!"
I turn and look at Rain
Y/n-"You're my favorite."
Y/n-"Second favorite."
Mountain-"What about me?"
Y/n-"No. after that story, you're not even on the list anymore."
Mountain just rolls his eyes. I grab the nuggets and hand them to Rain. The rest of the food gets handed out and we all eat. After we all finish eating we go down to the bowling alley. We go in and Aether gets all of our bowling shoes for us since we're all anti-Social then we get a lane and start bowling.
Word count-1000

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