Part 28

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We stayed in my room and watched the rest of the movie, then we decided we wanted to go on a walk in the clergy garden. We walk out the back door into the huge courtyard. We walk over to the garden and I immediately see Mountain knelt down fingering (Don't make it weird 😑) at the petals of the roses. I tighten my grip on Dew's hand. He whispers
Dew-"Do you want to go somewhere else?"
He asks half begging me to say yes. I nod, we turn around and walk the other direction. We walk around the main courtyard, staying as far away from the garden as possible. As we're walking I see Aether sitting on a bench gently playing his acoustic guitar.
Y/n-"Hey Aeth! What ya playing?"
He looks up and smiles at us.
Aether-"Oh! My mom loves when I play guitar for her, so I wrote her a song! I'm gonna play it for her tonight."
Y/n-"Awww that's so sweet! She's gonna love it Aeth."
Aether-"I hope so."
He smiles.
Aether-"So what are you guys doing out here."
Dew-"We're just walking around."
Aether nods
Aether-"Sounds nice!"
Y/n-"Yeah! I love the outdoors, I guess it's my Earth Ghoul side."
Aether-"Probably, I like the outdoors to it's just so calming. Anyway, how are you and Mountain?"
I groan at the mention of him
Y/n-"I don't know he's ignoring me and I'm ignoring him. I don't care how long it takes I'm not apologizing for living, he's the one who gets all pissed off when I don't listen to everything he says."
Aether-"You know the only reason he acts like that is because he's scared. Not only of you getting hurt, but because you're growing up and he can't stop it. He feels like you don't need him anymore. I dread the day that I realize my little sister doesn't need me. It's scary."
Dew-"You have a sister?"
Aether-"Yeah and a brother their twins."
Y/n-"How old?"
Aether-" Their 12."
Y/n-"When was the last time you've seen them?"
He sighs and I can see the tears start to bubble up in his eyes.
Aether-"Almost 7 years...but my parents bring me pictures and letters from them! That my favorite part of parents day."
He smiles.
Dew-"What's their names?"
Aether-"Lilith and Seth."
Y/n-"I'm sorry if this is personal, but you said you have pictures. Can we see?"
He quickly stands up with a huge smile on his face.
Aether-"Of course you can! Come on follow me!"
We follow Aether to his room. We go in and me and Dew sit an his bed. He takes a shoe box off of his bookshelf and sits it on his desk. He reaches in it and pulls out a stack picture, then comes over and sits between us. I look down at the picture
Aether-"This one with the yellow dress is Lilith and this one with the blue shirt is Seth. They were 5 in this picture."
In the picture was two young ghouls sitting on the floor playing with cars. Both of them had huge goofy smiles. I glance up at Aether who's smiling ear to ear. He flips to the next picture which is two slightly older ghouls. Lilith with her long black hair in pigtails with green ribbons tied in them, she's holding stuffed hellhound. Next to her was Seth with a baseball hat on holding a stuffed bat above his head and he's missing his front fang.
Aether-"They were 7 in this one I got them those stuffed animals for their birthday."
Dew-"How'd you get it to them?"
Aether-"I give my parents a letter for each of them and presents for my parents to give them on their birthday, March 8th."
Y/n-"What'd you get them this year?"
Aether-"I got Lilith a guitar, in her last letter she said that she wanted to learn. I got Seth a really nice camera my mom told me he steals hers all the time to take pictures of random things."
He laughs and flips the picture again.
This one they were way older. Lilith had on a black skirt and a white sweater her hair in space buns, and her arms crossed with a fake annoyed look on her face. Seth in black basketball shorts with a red shirt, he had his arm wrapped around Lilith's shoulders smiling a big toothy smile.
Aether-"This is the most recent picture I have their 11 in this one."
This time when I glance up at him he's not smiling, but he has tears rolling down his cheeks. I put my hand on his back and rub up and down. He looks at me and sadly smiles. He gets up and walks over to the shoe box putting the pictures back inside of it.
Y/n-"How have I known you for 7 years an not know you have siblings."
Aether-"I don't know. You know Swiss has a sister too right?"
Y/n-"What?! How do I know nothing?"
Dew-"Even I knew about Swiss's sister."
I look at him surprised.
Y/n-"Dose anyone else have siblings I don't know about?"
Dew-"No, me and Rain are both only children."
He smiles
Y/n-"Good! Some one tell me about Swiss's sister!"
Aether-"I don't know to much but she's older and her names isss.... Uh Bella? No, Bell... something o don't remember."
We all quickly turn our heads to see Swiss leaning on the door frame. No one had noticed him until now.
Aether-"Holy shit! How long have you been there?"
Swiss-"I was walking past when I heard Y/n say my name so a stoped."
Y/n-"How come you've never told me about your sister?!"
He shrugs
Swiss-"You never asked."
Y/n-"We'll I'm asking now! Tell me about her!"
He smiles and walks in sitting in Aether's office chair
Swiss-"Well... she's 6 years older than me. She's really smart, but if you ever some how meet her don't tell her I said that!"
We all laugh
Y/n-"I alway wanted an older sister."
Swiss-"I hated it as a kid. She would always boss me around and would make me play dolls and dress up even though I didn't want to."
He rolls his eyes. We all smile
Swiss-"But it did have its positives. She's the only reason I made it in school. She would stay up all night helping me with homework and studying."
Now he was smiling. All of this talk about siblings make me miss mine. I wish that me and Mountain didn't fight so much he's just so stubborn. I look at Swiss and Aether who don't have the opportunity to see their siblings, but all I have to do is walk down the hall to see my brother. I don't know what to do, but I have to do something.
Word count-1189
AU-Heyy! Thank you guys so much for 8K READS!! I love you guys so much! I hope you enjoyed the chapter. <3333

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