Part 29

705 22 4

AU-Hey! SUPER short chapter tonight I'm sorry I was really busy today but I didn't want to leave you guys hanging. Hopefully I'll be less busy tomorrow and I'll get a really good chapter out for you guys. I love you so much thank you for understanding. Enjoy! <3
We all notice that it's time for lunch so we head to the cafeteria. When we get there Rains already sitting at the table. We all get our food and join him.
Y/n-"Hey? Has Mountain got food yet? Someone please tell me they've seen him eat something."
Everyone shakes their heads and looks around at each other. I sigh
Y/n-"Okay, well he's not gonna listen to me so can someone go get him and make him come here and eat something?"
Aether-"Yeah I'll go get him."
Swiss-"I'll help!"
They both get up and walk out of the cafeteria.
Mountain's POV
I'm sitting at my drum set with headphones in playing Kiss The Go-Goat. I play the drums to get my mind off things because all I can think about is Y/n. I don't want to think about her anymore because every time I do, I start to feel bad. I shouldn't feel bad though, I'm trying to protect her. My door swings open pulling me out of my thoughts. I take off my headphones and look up. Swiss is standing in my doorway with his arms crossed.
Swiss-"Stop being a bitch."
Just then Aether walks in and smacks him in the back of the head. Aether sighs
Aether-"Look, you can be mad but, you can't not eat and you can't ignore Y/n forever."
Mountain-"I won't ignore her....forever"
I half whisper, the feeling of guilt filling my body.
Swiss-"Stop being so nice Aeth! Look Mountain you're being a pussy! Y/n is 19 years old she's old enough to do what she wants and what you're doing is upsetting her because she had sex with HER BOYFRIEND to be clear. Even though you're being an asswhole she still sends us here to make sure you're okay and not gonna starve to death, so get your ass in there eat something and apologize to you god damn sister!"
I sigh and sit my drum sticks down. I slowly stand up.
Swiss-"Oh shit...look m-man I'm sorry but you a-are being a little.. um harsh."
He said backing away. I laugh at his fear, that's the first time I've smiled today.
Mountain-"I'm not mad're right."
I say my smile falling thinking about Y/n. Even though we're fighting she goes out of her why to get someone to make sure I'm okay and I eat right. Swiss and Aether smile at me.
Swiss-"Holy shit it actually worked!"
We all laugh then walk to the cafeteria. I'm not gonna lie I'm a little nervous.
Word count-444

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