Dinner Table

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Isa's POV

"Will mama be okay? I heard she can't even get out of bed anymore." it was Luis, my brother. I smiled weakly, "my dear brother, we both know the answer to that."

"Where is your brother? I need to talk to all of you." My mother's uncle, Bruno, whom we call Tio. "He's with mama, he hasn't left since this morning." "I'm here now, she fell asleep again." Julio announced, his eyes red and puffy and his glasses half way down his nose.

We sat at the dinner table, Tio Bruno at the end of it. "I have bad news and, well not good news but news." he said. "We can take it Tio, it must be important if you needed to talk to us, without mama." I replied. "The village can no longer supply us with medicine, they believe she won't get better." he said with a sleepless and stressed look. "That's absurd!!" Luis said, jumping up from his chair, knocking it down in the process. "I'll talk to them! I will!" my older brother said while kneeling on the floor, clearly hiding his worry.

Julio's face started to swell with tears again, I reached for his hand but he retracted his own. Looking at our uncle once more, I asked, "what's the other news." His eyes displayed an uneasiness, worry, "I've decided to travel back to encanto and try and bring our family here, if my sister hasn't died yet I will ask for her help. But if she has.." It didn't seem like he could continue, but he did. "I will at least bring our family to see Mirabel, in her final moments." Silence fell, the only thing you could here is the sound of our hearts, beating with sadness and pain.

"No Tio." He looked at me with surprise. "I must Isa, I owe your mother-." I cut him off, "I'll go instead." Both of my brothers finally looking up to stare at me. "What do you mean you'll go!?!You don't know where it is! Isa!" Julio screamed at me. "You've never even left the house! Not since! Since.." Luis yelled, biting his tongue to refrain from uttering his last words. "Since father left, I don't know why he left, but I think I should. If our grandmother is still alive we can bring here and save mama!!" My voice cracking a bit, my vision clouding with tears. Another silence fell once more, but this time it felt as if it was louder than ever.

Minutes, hours, of just standing there in silence, Luis spoke. "Then I'll go as well." "If you both are going I should as well." Julio added. "I c-can't allow that children.. your mother.. she'd be so.." Our Tio said, trembling." "Tio you are too old, you must stay and take care of our mother. You said you owe her don't you??" I said, desperate to keep him here." He shook his head and stood, his tone firm, "I forbid it, I will not allow you to put yourselves in danger." "But Tio-." I started. "But no, now all of you go to bed, I have my things ready and before I leave tomorrow I will explain to you the jobs that need to be done." already heading for his room. "Tio Bruno!!" I cried. "I said no Isa! Now quietly tuck yourselves in bed and sleep." walking through the door of his room and closing it quietly.


A/N:Omg hey guys it's been a couple of months 😆😆. I am deeply sorry for my absence but I couldn't keep you all in the dark for this fanfic. A few things have happened lately and I thought why become a writer if I can't finish the things I've already started. So here I am! I will try to continuously post so please keep following me through this journey.

Word Count:653

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