Truth Or Dare | only part

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TW: fluff, drinking/alcohol


Georges POV:

"Hey George, there's a party tonight, you should come!" Sapnap says, inviting me. But it's clear by the look he's giving me, that I have no choice.

"Who's going to be there?" I ask.

"Ranboo, Wilbur, Quackity, Niki, Techno, Dream~" He gives me a look, as soon as Dreams name comes out of his mouth, "and a lot more people, that aren't really that important..well, besides Karl. He's the most important," a smile takes place on his face.

"You're obsessed with Karl, Sap. Admit it," I tell him, and his eyes widen. As his cheeks turn a light pink at the thought.

"Uh huh..same with you and Dream," Sapnap points out, trying to embarrass me. Since I had done the same to him.

"I am not obsessed with Dream!" I argue, and he stares at me knowingly. Trying to get me to admit my feeling for my best friend, "okay..maybe I like him a little bit, but I'm not obsessed."

" guy. Everyone knows you have a huge crush on him, I mean, who wouldn't!" Sapnap says, slinging an arm around my shoulders.

"No they dont.." I panic, my eyes widening at the thought of Dream possibly knowing how I like him.

"Um, yeah they do.." He states, "but hey! He likes you back, I pinky promise." He then holds out his pinky, but I just stare at his hand.

"Did he tell you that?" I ask, wanting Sapnap to go on about how Dream has a massive crush on me, and wants to be more than friends.

"Well, no? But its obvious! You guys suck at hiding your feelings for each other," I feel as if I got my hopes up, once again. It always comes to this, no one knows if Dream feels the same. They just assume, and it hurts.

"Whatever, it doesn't matter anyways," I whisper, feeling a lump in the back of my throat. Trying to swallow it back, and Sapnap looks at me. Knowing he shouldn't have tried to promise something he doesn't even know for sure.

"I'm sorry, George. I'll try to talk to him about it, and I promise I'll tell you that! Since I can't promise the other thing.." He apologizes.

"Is there going to be alcohol at this party?" I ask, looking at him.

"Yeah? But, you never drink, George. Just because we don't know for sure of Dreams feelings for you, doesn't mean you should drink- you could get hurt.." Sapnap says, he never acts like this. Never in my life, have I seen him care so much.

"I'll be fine Sap, you don't need to worry about me. I'm older than you, if you've forgot," I chuckle, and he smiles.

"Yeah, you just act like a litteral child. I mean, I will admit, I do aswell! But you're a whole different level," he laughs, hugging me.

My body goes sniff, it's weird when Sapnap hugs me. It's not normal, and I hate to say it. But I think I like it when he hugs me? It's a different feeling, and I almost feel bad for never hugging him back.

"You don't have to hug me back, I just want to atleast hug you.." He mumbles into my neck.

I smile, hugging him back. Feeling tears sting the corners of my eyes.

"You're an amazing friend, Nick. I'm sorry if I made you think you're not," I say, squeezing him tighter.

"Holy shit! You just said my real name? That's new," he exclaims, pulling away with a huge smile on his face, "and, George. You never make me think I'm a bad friend. I know you struggle to show how you feel, it's all good!"

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