Kidnapped | only part

757 9 1

TW: blood, language, slight smut, kidnapping

Dreams real name, Clay, will be used in this one :)


Third Person:

George Davidson, a 24 year old male, worked at a bakery with his three best friends. Karl, Niki, and Wilbur. The 4 of them owned the shop together, each paying there amount when it came to bills, and buying the ingredients.

George worked from 12:00pm in the afternoon until 12:30am the next day. He lived 30 minutes away if he drove, walking would talk about 2 hours, especially with all the hills he would have to walk.

It wasn't often when he had to walk home, his car was old, and didn't start very well. George was the last one to go home at the end of the day.

Most of his friends were still in college, so they couldn't work very late, George being one of the oldest, and taking the later shift so his friends could get enough sleep.

George tried going to college, but only ended up hating it. He would get shoved into lockers now and then, and shoved onto the ground by some rich kids. It was exactly like high school.

George knows there's other collages he could go to, but with his work situation it would just make it worse. He barely had energy most days, so why bother trying.


George's POV:

Shit! My fucking car broke down again! This is the 3rd time this week!

I place my face into the palm of my hands, I wasn't going to cry like I had done the other times, it's just overwhelming. I can't afford a new car, I barely can afford to keep my apartment! My phone is about to get shut off, and I don't even have any money to pay it right now.

Wilbur offered to drive me home on days this happens, I don't know why I refuse his help, it's just a habit I have. It just started one day, and now it's something I can't do anything about. I've always thought I could make it on my own, but look at me now, I can't even buy enough food to feed myself most days.

I should probably get my stuff out of the car, I doubt anyone would want something from me but whatever.

Okay nice, I have my belongings. Now I just have to walk all the way home.. Great. I mean I could call someone? No. Exercise is good, it's just dark out, nothing bad happened before.

I whince as I hear footsteps, someones running? At 1 am..?

the footsteps gradually get louder, so I start to run off towards my home. I won't be able to outrun this person, I know they are following me. I run faster, grabbing my phone out of my pocket so I can run easier.

The sound of the, I'm assuming a man? Stop. So I slow my running and look behind me, and besides me. Then, I run into someone. Not someone, the guy who was following me.

I gasp, and step backwards. The man was tall, about 6'3, his jaw line was sharp, eyes an emerald green color, and had dirty blonde hair. He was.. Hot? No.. George you can't think that, he's litterly the man that's about to kidnap you! He stepped forward, making me stumble backwards from how big his steps are.

He chuckled, and leaned down. Grabbing harshly onto the collar of my shirt. He moved his face to my ear, I could feel his hot breath against my ear and face.

"Hello again, George.."

What the hell.. How does he know my name?..

"Wh-who aRe you?.." I say, my voice cracking with fear.

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