Car Crash | 2

268 6 2

TW: fluff, angst? (Not sure if George being in a hospital is triggering, but just in case! :) ).



"Clay? Or do you prefer to be called Dream?" A woman asks sweetly.

"That's me, I like Dream better." I reply.

"Okay, this your friend? A friend of George's?" She's asks, referring to Nick.

"I'm a friend of them both. We all live together." Nick steps up, answering the question for me.

"Okay, if you both would follow me. I can take you two too George." She says, and starts walking down the hallway she came down.

I nod, and start following shortly behind. As Nick slips his hand into mine. Sqeezing it gently, as if telling me that it'll be okay.

Time feels like it slows, the closer we get to George. Footsteps, sound heavy, and loud. My heart beat races in my chest, making me feel uneasiness that fills my chest, throat, and head.

My throat drys up, as the moisture leaves to my eyes. Forming a river, that threatens to spill out, as it starts to overflow with water.

My body tells me, go back, leave, go back home, wait another day, like I dont wanna see the state he's in.

I feel like I'm going to pass out, as the blood drains from my face. Leaving me pale. Sapnap sends glances at me, asking me if I need water before I see George.

I refuse, knowing I'll be fine once I actually see him.

"Here we are, your free to stay with him, however long you'd like," the nurse says kindly.

To kindly, almost as if it was fake. All fake. But, that is part of their job. To act fake. They might as well make their kindness real at this point.

I look over at George.

Several wires and tubes are connecting him to machines. The machines..The loud beeping sounds throughout the small room. It brings tears to my eyes. George doesn't deserve to be in a hospital. Not like this. Not for any reason.

"George..I'm so sorry..none of this wouldn't have happened if it weren't for me.." I mumble, looking down at the floor. Wrapping my arms around my torso and chest.

"Dream, none of this is your fault.." Sapnap says, placing a hand on my shoulder.

I look at Sapnap. Tears are rolling down his cheeks, and his eyes are glossy.

"I'm so sorry.." I say to George once again. His unmoving body laying on the thin uncomfortable hospital bed. Weak, and almost lifeless..if you didn't hear the beeping of the machines.

Sapnap moves more to my side, wrapping his arms around me, hugging me tightly.

"It's okay,'ll all be okay..he'll be okay, I'll be okay, you'll be okay. All of us will be fine. We will all make it through this. It's another hard time, that'll pass soon enough.."

I wrap my arms around Sapnap. Hugging him back, but harder.

We cry together, for what feels like months. We stand, sit, lay. Hoping George will wake up. But no life shows from the 3 hours we stand in the hospital room. Leaving for bathroom or snack and drink brakes randomly.

"Do you think he'll wake up..soon..?" I ask Sapnap.

"Of course, he can't be in a comma for to long, right..?"

That's what makes me start questioning my reasons to live. No one knows when he'll wake up. No one knows IF he will wake up.

What if he doesn't come out of it?

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