immature boys

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ok so today me and my friend was casually walking from our p.e class to our english one (it was canceled today though, which we found out later but thats not important) and the p.e class is in a different building so we had to walk outside to get to our english class.

and when by the entrance to the building were a few boys (maybe eight of them??) kicking a ball against the wall (how fun????) by the entrance and my friend asked them if they could pause that while we were walking by

so we walked by, but one of them decides to not listen to my friend and kicks the ball with so much force and aim it so it ends up shooting my leg????

which hurt

a lot

so my natural reaction was to yell ouch, and made sure they heard it and hoped they would feel bad about it but all of them just laughed bc thats the mature thing to do right??

i got so pissed that none of them decided to apoloqize and i was like "yeah bc that was really funny!!" and went inside and continued to be pissed off by the species that are boys

and keep in mind that these boys are the same age as me, if not older?? so guys at the age around 17/18/19 thinks its fun to hurt girls who did nothing???

like whats even laugh-worthy in hurting someone you dont even know??

i dont think you understand how pissed of i am and how much i wish i didnt just walk inside bc i truly wish i wouldve kicked them all in their balls

ive decided i fucking hate boys like fuck all of them

fucking fuckboys who cant be mature for one second could u pls do us all a favor and grow the fuck up im so upset rn im gonna go before i hurt someone ((i wont though bc im too scared and too lazy))

sincerely lovisa who hopes for the day to come where all the fuckboys have died out :-)

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