wattpad update :-)

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i just wanna begin with my thesis of this part which is the new fucking wattpad update is shit and should not be allowed any existence :-)

like sure the layout is on fleek (im very hip) but it has no actual functionality??? 

first off you no longer can see the notifications that concerns ones own stories or followers or messages or what ever??? and if theres a way pls let me know bc going on my notifications by the thing under my username never works??? and its way to complicated and you have to press so many things and shit??? ITS SHIT 

and also the library looks hella dope (again im hip af) and its convenient to see how much of a story youve read and all that

(well update im aware that this does not concern you reading lists but basically the only reading list of mine im interested in is "my library" or what ever its called) 

but thats literally the only information you get about the book??? 

sometimes not even the full title of the book shows how shitty is that??? 

also you cant see any information like the description or when it was last updated or how many parts there are to the story or if its finished or not??

i have to press for details which makes the page reload and it takes time?????


you cant fucking right click anything in that library shit????????? it. does. not. work. 

as a frequent right-clicker this makes me fucking upset and i want the old wattpad back

well au revoir amigos from lovisa who has to spend the rest of her life making a new reading list and putting all of her almost two hundred books in that one to make things comfortable for herself :-) 

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