*I'm sorry...*

793 18 10

* TW for panic attacks and mentions of yelling. Somewhat self-harm? *

A/N: I know for a fact that Ranpo wouldn't react as how he did when Poe told him what he felt, I'm just bored and sad.

-Poe and Ranpo had gotten into a pretty bad argument. Though their relationship was strong and healthy they did have arguments once in a great while. But, this one wasn't like the others. It was worse.

-Ranpo planned out a date for Poe and him. He was planning on taking Poe to a nice restaurant and then maybe to the bookstore after cause he knew Poe loved reading. Poe was quite excited but unfortunately, at the last minute, he changed his mind. He had just randomly gotten really bad anxiety and didn't want to go anymore.

-He just decided to tell Ranpo, he assumed Ranpo wouldn't mind. He never got mad about those things.

"H-hey Ranpo? Can I tell you something?" Poe asked nervously.

Ranpo smiled. "Mhm, sure! What is it, Ed?"

"Well um...I don't really want to go out anymore...I just-"

Poe saw Ranpo's smile fade away slowly. 

"Poe...I planned that out for us. I was excited about it- you were too! What happened?!"

"I just- I just felt really anxious and-"

"That's not an excuse! Once we got there you would've been fine! But no. You don't want to go!"

"Ranpo I'm sorry, I- I really am!"

"Of course you are. Not everything has to be about you! I've been looking forward to this but you ruined it."

"I- 'm sorry! I'll go if it makes you feel better! Let's get ready c-come on!"

"No. I don't even want to go anymore! Just leave me alone!!"


Poe walked to the room, looking down at the floor. Once he got there, he walked in shutting and locking the door behind him.

"I- I made Ranpo mad...He probably hates me now..."

Poe's eyes started to water.

"The one person whom I really love...h-hates me now..."

Poe started pacing around the room and flapping his hands. "He hates me. He hates me. He hates me. He hates me!"

Doing that made him feel worse.

Poe stopped pacing the room and sat on the bed. He had felt dizzy. There were tears rolling down his cheeks and he was shaking like crazy. His heart was beating way faster than normal. There were so many intrusive thoughts running through his head.

He then found it hard for him to catch his breath. It felt like he was suffocating. He tried to take slow breaths but it was no use. He started to panic so he tried to call out for Ranpo but he was non-verbal. He couldn't speak.

Even though Ranpo had caused this, Poe wanted to be comforted by him. 

At this point, Poe couldn't do anything. He was just crying. He was also trembling and taking short, shaky breaths, hoping he wouldn't pass out.

He had started scratching his wrist really hard, he couldn't stop. He was scared and didn't know what else to do. Soon, there was blood dripping down his arm.

*Knock Knock*

"Hey, Poe...I wanted to apologize. Can I come in?" Ranpo said in a soft voice.

He could hear Poe crying on the other side of the door. 

"Love? Are you okay?" Ranpo tried to open the door but it was locked.                     

"Do you think you can unlock the door?" 

No response.

"Poe..?" Ranpo was getting really worried so he got the key to the bedroom and unlocked the door himself. His eyes widened.

He ran up to Poe. 

"Darling, please stop scratching yourself. Look, you're bleeding." 

Poe didn't realize he was bleeding. He stopped scratching.

Then Ranpo asked- "Poe, do I have your permission to touch you?"

Poe nodded. When he did, Ranpo immediately grabbed Poe's hand and held it, making sure not to squeeze it too tight. He was surprised because of how much his beloved was shaking.

"Now Poe, it's gonna be okay. I just need you to try to calm down and breathe."

"I-......c- c...a- n't" Those were the only words Poe managed to choke out.

"Yes you can love, I believe in you. Just take a deep breath in...and out. Once you get your breathing under control, we'll take care of your arm."

Poe started flapping his hands again. "I- it's...n..o....t- w...ork-i...ng"

"Darling, you have to try to stay calm. You'll get through this. It'll work. Now, come on. Take some more deep breaths with me." Ranpo said as he wiped Poe's tears away.

About 17 minutes pass by and Poe finally calmed down. He was breathing normally and everything, though he was still trembling a bit.

"See, there you go. You got through it. I'm really proud of you." "Now, I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick to get some things to clean your arm, okay?" Ranpo kissed Poe on the cheek and then ran to the bathroom.

"Mkay..." Poe said quietly. He was happy that Ranpo wasn't mad at him anymore but he still felt bad. Ranpo was so excited and he had ruined it.

Ranpo ran back into the room carrying antiseptic and bandages. He set them down on the bed and then sat down next to Poe.

"Alright, now can you give me your arm?" 

Poe slowly gave Ranpo his arm. He knew that the scratches were probably gonna leave scars because of how hard he was scratching himself. He felt pathetic.

"Now Ed, it's gonna sting- probably a lot because they're still fresh so if you want me to stop for a minute when I'm doing it, just tell me, okay?" 


While Ranpo was doing that he started talking.

"So um I wanted to say that I'm sorry...I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier. I should not have done that. It was wrong, I don't know why I reacted that way. I hope you forgive me."

Poe looked at Ranpo. "Y-yeah...It's okay. I forgive you."

Ranpo smiled. "Thanks...After we're finished with this, how about we cook something together and then maybe watch a movie and cuddle?"

"Yeah...I want to do that. That sounds fun!"

"Alright then! And I'm finished with your arm!"

"Thank you, Ranpo- also have you seen Karl? I don't know where he went."

"Oh yeah, I locked him outside last night because when we were asleep he sat on my face AND ate a bunch of my snacks!"



Word Count: 1031

Ranpoe Oneshots! [Ranpo Edogawa X Edgar Allan Poe]Where stories live. Discover now