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Teaser for the upcoming chapter is updated

Veer Malhotra and Avanya Kapoor
A cute who love to irritate each other a lot but loves each other unconditionally
Owner of Kapoor industries and  co owner of Chaya House.
Veer treats nandini as his little sister and avi's soul sister.
They know about Nandini's past
But veer and not Nandini behave like cats and dogs who are ready to pounce on each other but are very protective when someone hurts their loved ones.
Going to be Manan's cupid in future.

Manan's side

Manik was running behind the Nandini who was walking fastly

Nandini stop where are you going? Today is the first day na.

So what, I can do anything. It should matter to you where I'm going. Anyways I'm just your contract wife na so it shouldn't bother you. Why are you following me?

But she was stopped as she was harshly pinned to the car by manik who was glaring at her with red eyes.

Because you are my wife dammit.
Manik uttered possessively

Contract wife Mr. Malhotra.
Replied Nandini angrily.

But that still doesn't change the fact that you are my wife
And Nandini we are friends na now so why are you reacting like this?
Manik asked with some emotions which Nandini couldn't understand.

If we were friends then you wouldn't have hidden about you being my professor. And you are asking me why am i reacting like this then manik this is because of you.

What did I do

For the last two days, your phone was unreachable and on top of that, you didn't even consider that you should call me to inform me about your arrival.
I was so tense but you don't care about what I felt. That's why you were ignoring me.
Nandini whispered while a lone tear escaped her eyes.

Manik who was continuously watching her wiped her tears and placed a kiss on her forehead.

I'm sorry if you felt that I was ignoring you but trust me my intention was never to make you feel like that. I was busy as I wanted to come back as soon as possible before you start college. And about being your professor even I didn't know that you are studying here.

Saying this manik took Nandini in a hug.

Another side of the college.

Looking at them will anyone say that they have contract marriage
Said adi who was watching everything with Zoya.

How do you'll know that manik has done contract marriage? He didn't say anything about it so when do you know about it?
Asked veer who was behind Aditya.

When manik was talking with his lawyer about the contract paper that time Siya bhabhi heard his conversation. So we four know about it
Adi said and hugged veer.

You are Nandini's best friend na
Zoya asked avi who nodded yes.

But how do know

Actually, I saw your photos with Nandini in insta
Zoya said and avi smiled at her.

I think we should do something to bring them close.
Veer said looking at manan who were still hugging each other.

Bro, we have already started Mission manan milao.
Even you can help us with that.

Ok so even we are in this mission.

They stopped talking as they saw manan coming towards them.

Hello, jiju  (brother in law)
I'm Avanya your dear wife's best friend. If she troubles you na then inform me I'll help you to make her proper
Avi said mischievously and forwarded her hand toward manik

Manik nodded in yes and shakes hand with avi.

Excuse me, ms Kapoor, you should remember that I'm your best friend.

Ha I know that but now we should leave as our first lecture is going to start.

Nandini Zoya and avi left for their class.

Manik I know that you were never interested in marriage but
I hope that you don't cause her any harm as she has already suffered in past. If she is hurt due to you, I will make sure that you won't be in her life. She is my sister so remember that and make your friends understand that Nandini is not alone. We know what happened yesterday.
Veer said and left patting manik's back.

Maniks POV.

What was veer talking about manik? What happened yesterday?
Adi asked me

I don't know anything adi but I guess something has happened in my absence. I'll Nandini about it tonight.
I replied as I didn't know what the matter was.

Adi nodded and left for his office while I went towards my cabin as my lectures are gonna start tomorrow.

Sitting on the chair I was thinking about today's events.


First, I couldn't attend Nandini's call as I wanted to return as soon as possible due to which I unintentionally ignored her.

While passing by the cafeteria I saw people gathered over there. Seeing so many people I went to see what was going on.

There I saw a boy ragging a girl and gave her a task to kiss any boy.

I was going to stop them when the girl accepted the dare and I was shocked when that girl turned as she was my own Wife.

She kissed someone on the cheeks and couldn't see his face as his back was facing me.

But I was angry when she kissed him

A/n angry or jealous mr Malhotra?😉

Then the boy turned and I was shocked to see veer here and then he announced about not to trouble his girlfriend and sister.

When he mentioned nandini as his sister I was relieved.

They went out and I remembered that I had to meet veer.

Out when I met Nandini she was pissed at me as didn't inform her of my profession. But even I didn't know that I was her professor.

After some manofying sessions, she finally calmed down

I hugged her and even, and she hugged me back with a smile.

I was shocked to see veer being so protective of Nandini but I was also curious to know about Nandini's past.

Now it was time for college to get over so I called Nandini to come near our car so we can leave together.

Manan had their dinner peacefully and went toward their room

Manik I might have reacted weirdly but I have only a few friends who genuinely care for me. So I didn't want anything to happen that will break our friendship. Sorry if you felt bad
Nandini said and closed her eyes.

Nandini first of all it was my mistake also as I had promised you to call daily but I couldn't do it and I didn't feel back about being scolded by you as friends have the right to scold each other right
saying this Manik wink at Nandini

Nandini just nodded her head in disbelief and said

good night manik, sweet dreams

good night wifey
Saying this manik slept.

Nandini's POV

When manik called me wifey I felt butterflies dancing in my stomach but my brain again reminded me of our contract marriage so I decided to sleep instead of thinking about my life and getting upset.

Next part: leap of two months, villains entry glimpse of Nandini's past

How was the chapter?

What must be nandinis past?

Will it affect their realtion?

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