Chapter Ten - Let The Party Begin

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Chapter Ten - Let The Party Begin


Rose's POV

"Let's go!" Evie jumped in front of me as I carried my basket of laundry.

"Go?" I gave her a confused look as I stepped around her and continued on my way to my room.

"To the party, of course!" She laughed following behind me. I groaned, all Rex talked about was going to a neighboring packs party and how he want me to come, to show me off so to speak. "Please! Do it for me? I won't have anyone else to hang out with." She pouted.

Rolling my eyes I nodded, one party couldn't hurt, right? "Fine. But you can't leave me alone."

"Deal." She nodded and squealed excitedly as she made her way back down the hall.

I was ready an hour later and I made my way downstairs which is where most of the teenagers were, waiting for the rest of us.

"There you are." Rex smiled, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me to his side, "I'm glad you changed your mind." He whispered.

"Me too." I smiled. My stomach was is in knots and my palms were clammy, Lucas was nervous and I felt a crash of pain in a wave over me. He was upset, or hurt, both of which I couldn't stand.

I swayed in Rex's arms, his gripping tightening in an attempt to steady me. "You okay Rosaline?"

Nodding, I plastered a fake smile on my face, "Yeah. Yeah. I'm fine."

Rex shrugged and announced that we were ready to leave. Three girls rushed down the stairs, still getting ready as they applied their makeup. I felt bad, I was willing to wait until everyone was ready but sadly, not everyone else was. Rex, being one of them. I had a feeling that if I was still getting ready we wouldn't be leaving right now.

The party was in full swing when we arrived and I stuck close to Evie as we made our way inside. Rex came up next to me, "I'm going to go hang out in the back, you wanna come?"

"I'm going to stay inside for a while." I shook my head as I looked around at all the bodies.

"Okay, come find me later." He kissed my cheek before parting ways with the boys. I rolled my eyes and turned to Evie. "Ready to party?" Evie squealed grabbing my arm as we made our way into the crowded living room. Bodies were dancing and couples were kissing. I heard a game of beer pong in the kitchen and splashing coming from the pool in the back.

"Dance!" Evie laughed as she moved my arms with hers to the beat of the music. As the song went on I was loosening up and getting into the music. Thirty minutes later I was thirsty so I made my way into the kitchen, I felt intense eyes watching my every move and it didn't take me long to meet them in the sea of people.

My heart raced in my chest and a blush filled my cheeks. Lucas was standing near the beer pong table, his arm around the brunette from the library, Jess. I bit my lip and turned my head away from them and focused on getting a drink.

"Rose." Evie called, laughing as she made her way over with two guys. "These guys offered to show us something upstairs."

Evie wasn't stupid but she was naive. I smiled, "Really? How sweet of them." I joked. "But were going to have to pass." I grabbed Evie's hand and pulled her with me.

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