Chapter Thirteen - The Almost Brawl

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Chapter Thirteen - The Almost Brawl  


"We should get some flowers to place around." Penny suggested when she saw how far I'd gotten.

"I was thinking that too!" I laughed and she smiled. "We think so much alike."

"So, what's first boss?" His voice came from behind me.

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion as I looked over my shoulder at him. Lucas was staring at me, his mouth twisted into a smirk. I blushed slightly, my lips twitching into a smile.

"You made it!" Jess clapped together and went to his side. She pecked his lips and I noticed him push her away. I turned away from them and picked up the lights.

"Let's string the lights up." I suggested to Penny. She nodded and threaded them up to me as I climbed the ladder.

I tried to keep my mind occupied so I could get the feeling of Lucas watching me out of my head. I sighed and twisted the lights around the rods hanging on the ceiling. I was pretty high up but not nearly as high as when I was dangling over the roof.

My stomach churned and my palms began to sweat just thinking about it. What if I fell off the ladder? I gulped and looked down, it was higher than I originally thought. My eyes flickered over to Lucas', who was watching me with confusion.

"Rose?" Penny called from the floor, "Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah." I whispered breathlessly as the ladder shook beneath me.

'Breath Rosie.' His voice bounced around in my mind. I looked at him again and took a deep breath. I didn't need to be scared, I didn't need to freak out. Lucas was here. 'You okay?'

I nodded, 'Thanks.'  

Reaching for the connecting wire I stood on my tip toes. It was a little out of reach but I managed as I stretched a little. My fingers curled around the plug for the lights I was connecting together and gave a tug. I lost my balance and I gasped, falling face first into the hard ground.

It felt like time slowed as I braced myself the collision, for the pain but it never came. My body erupted into tinges as strong arms wrapped around my body, catching me. I let out a breath as I fluttered my eyes open to look at him. "Thanks."

"Are you okay?" He whispered, worry etched on his face.

I nodded, watching as he checked me over in his arms. "I'm fine." I smiled when his eyes met back up with mine. His eyes sparkled for a moment before a loud bang from across the room brought us back to reality.

"What are you doing?" Jess shrieked. Lucas' chest rumbled but set me on my feet softly and he rolled his eyes before he turned around to face the questioning faces of his  pack. "Huh?" She insisted, crossing her arms across her chest.

"I don't answer to you." He growled as he strutted back to the chair he previously occupied.

"As you're girlfriend and mate, I think you do!" She screamed loudly.

I winced from hearing her say that they were mates, maybe it was something that they've talked about before. Maybe Lucas wants her as his mate.

Lucas' eye flickered to me before he shook his head and stood up, going face to face with Jess. "You're not my mate." He hissed dangerously, pushing past her he made his way to the doors. He stopped, realizing he had everyone's attention in the room and glared over his shoulder, "We're done. For good."  He gave me one last glance before he left.

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