Chapter Sixteen - New Enemies

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Chapter Sixteen - New Enemies


"Rosaline!" My dad reached me first and growled at the scent that surrounded me. "Follow it." He hissed and dozens of paws patted away. "Rose, honey." He cooed.

    "Daddy?" I whispered, my eyes fluttering open for a second before I felt then drop again. "Help.." I muttered.

    He scoped me into his arms, 'Ready the infirmary.' His voice boomed into everyone of the packs heads. 'Rose has been attacked.'

    I've been attacked twice as much as a normal future Alpha, probably because everyone and their mother hated my dad and our pack.

    'Lucas..' I let my mind try to connect with his. I didn't get a response and my head ached painfully, even the sound of the wind made my head throb. 'please.' I begged.


    "Here you go Rosaline." My mother handed me my medicine as she sat on my bed, worry and concern on her face.

    "I'm fine mother." I addressed her, "I just hadn't shifted in a while, that's all."

    "Regardless, the doctor prescribed you this so you're going to take it." Her voice was firm and offered no room to bargain.

    I sighed and took the three pills from my mother's hands. She grinned happily and I took a sip of water before I threw back the pills. My mother's grin never left her face as she took back the glass of water, setting it on the bedside table.

    "Now you get some rest and I'll check on you later, okay sweety?" She stood from the bed and looked back at me when she got to the door. "I love you Rosaline, more than anything else." She told me.

    I gave her a slight smile and she was gone. I was alone again. Sighing I pulled my covers over my head, thinking about Lucas made my heart hurt. Who was the girl he brought to the dance? Why couldn't I mind link with him?

    The medication was starting to kick in as tears fell from the corners of my eyes and I fell into a dreamlessly slumber.

    "Shh.." I heard sometime later, "She's asleep." Penny's voice flittered through the room.

    "I can see that darlin'." Rex laughed, quite loudly if I say so myself.

    Penny giggled and I groaned. "Sorry." She whispered in response.

    Opening my eyes I was greeted with Penny sitting in a chair on my left with Rex behind her, his arms draped protectively.

    "Hey." I mumbled, my mouth dry. I reached for the glass and took a sip.

    "We didn't mean to wake you." Penny bowed and Rex growled.

    "We talked about this." He grumbled.

    "She's still my Alpha, or soon-to-be Alpha." Penny replied with a roll of her eyes. She was still timid but you could definitely see the change that Rex was causing in her. I smiled at the couple's spat.

    "But you're going to be my Luna, so you don't have to do that anymore." Rex continued.

    Penny blushed, her lips twitching as her eyes met mine. "Don't let me stop you two." I laughed. "Besides, if it matters I agree with Rex."

    "Thanks, Rose." Rex grinned, giving me a wink as he squeezed Penny's shoulders.


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