Chapter Nineteen - Saved

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Chapter Nineteen - Saved


"You told them?" Lucas nearly shouted, his hands balled into fists as he paced the woods in front of me.

I gulped and my hands twitched nervously. "Yeah." I whispered, "I needed to tell them.."

He shook his head before he stopped pacing to stare at me in the face. "We have to go, run away together."

"What?" I stuttered, "Are you okay?"

"No Rose, I'm not okay." He hissed, "The more people that know the more trouble we're in, don't you see that?'

"Not really, besides they won't tell anyone."

"But your parents could force it out of them."

"They already suspect that were mates!" I shrieked, "They were trying to kill me Luke." Tears welled in my eyes and my voice was thick with emotion.

Lucas sensed my weakness. He sighed and quickly wrapped me in his arms, "Even more reason we should run away together. I can't protect you when you're on your land."

I was quiet for a long moment, calculating. "We're both Alpha's, future leaders, we can't leave our packs behind. That would be selfish." my voice barely above a whisper.

"I want to be selfish. I want you." He replied honestly.

"I want you too." I smiled up at him, "But we should think about this some more, really think about it, what this would mean. We'd be giving up our status'."

Lucas looked down at me, cupping my face with his large hands. "I don't want to be Alpha, I don't want to be the leader of the pack if you aren't beside me. I know what I'm giving up Rosie, I know what I'll be losing but I also know what I'll be gaining. I just want it to be you and I, forever. To hell what everyone else thinks or wants for that matter."

"I love you." I spoke, my eyes never leaving his.

"I know." He smirked, his thumb caressing my face. "I'm willing to wait Rose, if you're not ready to leave your family, I understand."

"You're not upset?"

He shook his head, his eyes flickering down to my lips before they meet mine again, "I am upset, but not with you. With the world mostly."

"I'm sorry." I spoke, my voice cracking with emotion. I can't help but feel that all of this was my fault. In a way I suppose it was, I was the cause of all this drama Lucas and I had. I hurt him and I was continuing to hurt him.

"Don't be sorry baby." He soothed, "Just... just promise me something."

"Anything." I answered quickly, too quickly, causing Lucas to grin.

"Promise me that we'll be together eventually, like really together." He nestled his nose against mine affectionately.

The thought of Lucas and I together made me feel a strange glow in the pit of my stomach, it was a feeling I've never felt before but I craved to have the feeling again and again. "I promise." I laughed and kissed his nose.

He growled and wrapped one arm tightly around my waist pulling me closer to him. The heat from his body radiated around me while his chest heaved under my hand. Licking my lips I studied his face under my lashes, and by face I mean lips.

The next thing I knew his lips were on mine in a fever like fashion. My hands instantly moved to his hair in an attempt to attach myself to him forever. The kiss was wild and passionate as the fire between us built. I felt like my whole life was leading me to this one moment.

"This." A voice ticked, "Is an interesting sight."

Lucas growled and pushed me behind him, keeping one hand on my waist as he faced the guy who stepped out from the trees. Logan.

I reached for Lucas' shirt and held onto it as Logan sauntered forward. "Wow. Things really heated up between you two fast."

Silence filled the clearing as Logan approached us. "It's too bad you guys never went any further than kissing. You guys are hot. Especially you darling." He winked at me.

Lucas' chest began rumbling and I echoed Lucas.

"Huh. No reaction?" He taunted, tilting his head a little as he watched us. "Do you even love her?" Lucas' growl became louder, "Don't you care that I've been with her in a way you haven't?" Lucas flashed his carnies as his stance became more hunched, ready for a fight.

"Her naked body, all over me. Her moans of pleasure echoing in my ears." He laughed, "Ugh, Logan faster-." His fake high pitched moaning cut off with Lucas' vicious roar as he transformed into his wolf.

"Luke!" I screamed as he lunged at Logan.

'Go back to your pack.' Luke howled in my mind. I was frozen to the spot as I watched him try to corner Logan. 'Now. Rose.' He demanded.

I bit my lip and took a step back, I was scared to leave him. What if he got hurt? Or worse..killed.

"Not so fast Princess." Laughter filled my ears as rough hands gripped my upper arms.

"Ah, finally." Logan smiled, "I was getting tired of trying to get you."

My heart beat rapidly in my chest as I realised he had us surrounded. Lucas growled and pounced on the guy who had me trapped. 'Run.' His voice echoed, 'I'm right behind you.' I took off into the woods and like he said, he was right behind me. I came to a stop when a large black wolf stood in front of me.

"Lucas." I called and he growled behind me. His large head came under my feet and lifted me into the air, I sat on his back as he growled at the wolf that blocked our path. I thought that he'd attack him but he didn't, he darted around him, running for his pack land.

I snuck a peek behind us as the wolves trailed us, all the way up to Lucas' border, where they disappeared and a new line of wolves greeted us. I hopped off his back and Lucas quickly shifted before he caressed my face.

"Running away can't be part of the plan." He sighed, "We need a pack, I need a pack to keep you safe. You attract trouble Rosie."

I pecked his lips before I snuggled into his naked chest. "I love you Luke."

"I love you too Rosie." He laughed, running his fingers through my hair, "Forever." 

I know that this isn't as good as the rest or that long for that matter, but I figured I'd update. 

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