Chapter Two - Two Years

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Chapter Two - Two Years 


Two Years Later.



The phrase, you never know what you have until it’s gone, is incredibly accurate. I never thought that I would want to be around my family as much as I do right now. My entire family, the whole pack, I appreciate each and every one of them.

The one person I didn’t expect to miss so much was Lucas. I missed him with my whole heart. I missed the way he looked at me, like I was the sun on a cloudy day, like I was the only thing that mattered.

A pain I was beginning to become accustomed to was starting to swell in my chest. I knew exactly what it meant. Lucas was trying to break the bond that formed when we first found out about each other. He’s tried everything! But the worst pain I’ve ever felt was when he had sex with someone else. I felt the pain so severely I screamed incredibly loud, it was a good thing I was alone that night.

Tears slipped down my cheeks as I bit my quivering lip, my aunt was in the other room so I couldn’t be too loud.

My dad shipped me off to my Aunt’s the night Wilson was killed, the same night that he took away my title as his heir. They call me every so often to check on me but other than that I’m being raised by Jenna.

Jenna wasn’t a wolf and she was mateless, or so it was explained to me. I say this because whenever the subject was brought up she got this faraway look in her eyes, so I hardly ever spoke of it, and she didn’t ask me either. Which was nice.

The pain began to subside and I grabbed the phone that was charging on my bedside table, hoving over his name in my address book my wolf whimpered. Every since I was sent away she’s been distant and on edge. So it felt as if I was missing a huge part of my life. I wasn’t who I used to be, I changed. I was quiet and shy, I hardly spoke to anyone and never looked anyone in the eyes. I felt alone but I didn’t blame anyone, I knew that I did this to myself.

“Rose?”Jenna knocked softly on the door as it creaked open. I hid my phone under my pillow and pretended to be asleep. After a minute she closed the door and I no longer felt her in the room so it was safe to grab the phone again.

Hitting dial I heard the ringing of the phone and waited for his voice to sound over the machine. Softly I heard his recorded voice filter over the phone, my heart fluttered and lips twitched slightly. My eyes were still wet with tears because I knew that he wasn’t mine anymore, he never was.

I never left him a message, I just listened to his voice and hung up. Today was no different and I hit end before I could do anything stupid. I turned over and cried myself to sleep.

When I woke up my phone was beeping, my heart began to beat faster as I looked at the screen. I had a missed call. From Lucas.

Sitting up straight I brought the phone to my ear, desperate for what he had to say.

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