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Tommy's pov-

I wake up, as you do on a Monday morning. I did my morning routine quicker then normal and left. Normally i would get the bus but my mum offered to drop me off today.

"Tom, hurry up!" My mother shouts as I run to the passenger side of the car and get in.

A quick 10 minute drive and I'm at college. Nothing major happens, it's quite boring actually... Except today.


4 lessons go by in a blast and now I'm walking up to the table for lunch.

"Tommy!" One of my friends shout walking up to me

"What's up?" I ask him, walking to the lunch hall as he does the same

"Jay made a bet with us earlier cause we told him he couldn't get a girl to fall for him" he informs me

"Ok?" I say questioning the information I was giving

"Yh, he found a girl that he thinks likes him and is bringing her to the table. He said to let you know so you don't get close to her"
He tells me

"Why can't we get close to her?" I ask, concerned for the girl

"Because he ł₴ ₳ⱡⱬ₦ø ₮Ø ₥ልጕɆ Ⱨቿø ₣ልረⱠ ł₦ vɇⱡøø ₩ጎፕ₳ ₥ጎⱨ ₳đ₦ ₮ጋዕ₥ ฿ቿዪ₭ⱬ Ʉ₱ ₩ጎ₳ⱨđ Ⱨɽɇ" he says guiltily like his the one doing it

"That's fucked, I feel so bad for her" I say as we arrive at the table

"Yh, I don't like the idea either" he looks at jay as he comes towards the table with this really pretty girl.

They sit down and the girl sits in between me and jay.

"Hey! What's your name?" I ask her

"Oh, uhh hi! My name's Jessica, people call me Jess or jessie for short. What about you?" She asks speaking so softly

Her voice is so nice, she seems nice, and quite, maybe Interverted. The opposite of me. I feel so bad for her, there must be a way to stop this.


"Tommy, can I come round yours someday?" Jess says out of nowhere

Huh- what the fu- what?! I don't understand why someone so pretty would ask someone they don't know to go round theirs... Out of nowhere.

"Jess, Tommy is probably busy. U don't want to intrupt him do u?" jay grabs her arm lightly and pulling her closer towards him

What the fuck.

"No it's fine, I'm not doing anything today if u wanna come round? Unless u and jay are doing something today" I smiles towards her

"I'm free today! Me and jay weren-" she begins

"Were!- going to umm, walk my dogs. Yh, to the, umm... park and then chill at mine" jay interrupts

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