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"So about our conversation earlier"

"Oh yh, about that" I say

"Yh, I'm just going to say it... Your really cute,  good with children, funny, kind, shy but out-going, and are so talented, not to meantion you can sing and play guitar and piano! i watched your streams. I have feelings for u I know u don't like me and that's ok I just wanted to tell you because I can't keep pretending, it's fine if u don't want to be friends anymore but. i don't want this to ruin our friendship" he admits

"I have feelings for you too, I have since we first spoke at the bus stop. I'm so happy u feel the same way" I reply truthfully

"Omg really? I was so scared u didn't feel the same way"

"Why wouldn't I? Ur literally perfect" I exclaim

"U got really close to Tommy. I thought u liked him" he admits

"I do like tommy, but not like that" I reply

"So, what do u want to do now??"

"Are u comfortable with labels?" I ask

"Yes"  he replies

"Do u want to be my boyfriend?" I stumble waiting for rejection

I don't know why, I know he likes me. I guess that's just how my brain works, always scared to be rejected.

"Ofc I would" he says as he leans in

"Can I kiss u?" He asks

"Yes" I reply softly as he leans all the way in and kisses me

(I don't like writing any detailed stuff like kissing and more intermet(idk how u spell it😭) things that would be involved in the book because there are minors even though Tommy is now 18 he is still 17 for most of this book and I don't want to disrespect his previous boundaries)

I'm on discord as i get a message from Tommy.



{Hey! What's up?}


[Wanna call?]


         (Ongoing Call: ☺︎ ☺︎)
(Tommyinnit and Hessie_jessie)

"What's up?" I say

"Jay just told us that u and him are dating?" He replies

"Oh yh I was gonna tell u tomorrow but we are! I'm so happy!" I reply

"Yh... Congrats please don't let him hurt you" he spoke softly, with a lace of what I though was disappointment

"I won't, if he ever did" I say

"Good, anyways how long have you been together?" He asks

𝐑𝐞𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 // Tommyinnit × OcWhere stories live. Discover now