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!!TW: meantions of physical abuse !!


I woke up to see Tommy sleeping next to me, in bed. What the fuck??

"Toms?" I call his name

"Tommy" I repeat trying to wake him up

"Hmm?" He mumbles slowly waking up

"What are u doing here?" I ask

"Uhh... I can't remember. Why? Do u not want to see me?" He questions

"No no, I mean yes I don't want to see u in my bed, cause I'm dating jay. But I still want to see u" I reply

"Why are you even dating jay? He doesn't like you. He is using u" he raised his voice,speaking very bluntly

"What?" I questioned, tears pricking my eyes

"He doesn't like you. He told me" he repeats

"Oh..." I whisper as I walk out the room and go to the bathroom

I lock the door and run the taps as I lean against the door and slowly go down. Tears threatening to run down my face as I think back to what just happened.

'He doesn't like you, he is using you'

"He doesn't like you'

Them words keep running through my brain. I close my eyes and stay silent as tears run down my face.

I jolt awake, Feeling actual tears run down my face. It was just a dream.

I get out of bed and get ready for school, I'll have to talk to Tommy or jay about this dream later.

I go down stairs to see that my mum has already left for work and bailey is by himself eating. I say good morning to bailey and feed my cat, simba.

" good morning simby" I baby him as I hold him in my arms before I let him down to eat

I grab a peanut butter cookie and eat that before putting on my shoes and grabbing both mine and baileys bags.

"Come on bai, we are gonna be late for school" I call to him as he runs towards me

"Up" he pleads with grabby hands

I pick him up and walk out the door. I go to close it as simba runs out.

"Hello bubby boy, what are you doing?" I ask as if he can answer back

I assumed he would do his own thing as normal and start walking to baileys school. I get to baileys school before bailey says "baba!" That's his name for simba. I turn around to see he followed us to school... Great guess imma have to take him back home or leave him at the bus stop.

"I'll see u later bae bay have fun" I say as I give him his bag and start walking out and towards the bus stop.

I hear the paterring feet of my cat and see him walking next to me. I ignore him hoping he would wonder off back home but spoiler alert, he didn't. I got to the bus stop and sat waiting for the others when simba jumps on my lap and purrs.

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