Akura Jebia Vashimu

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Akura Jebia/Vashimu

Class: Carapaceon

Threat Level: Moderate

Romance Difficulty: Prolonged

Strong Element: None

Weak Element: None

Distinguishing Characteristics: 7th tall, crystalline growths on tails, powerful scorpion claws, six eyes in two sets reminiscent of human eyes, scorpion body lower half with four scorpion legs, hard carapace on lower body, back, arms, and head, softer feminine body and mouth that's a shade lighter than the carapace, human mouth that can split like mandibles, firm D cup breasts

Jebia have pure-white crystal formation on their blue and gray-ish carapace while Vashimu have purple-blue crystal formations on their brown with red carapace. Jebia's crystals are sharper and they have an three horns on their heads instead of two like Vashimu.

Weapons: pincers, ambush tactics, crystals, and crystallization venom

Ailments: Unique crystallization venom.

Habitats: Vashimu prefer the deserts and Jebia prefer the swamps.

Diets: Both are carnivorous beings that usually prey on smaller creatures through ambush tactics and vibration feeling. Their tactics however, differ in use.

Vashimu are stalkers, who track down and wait for a great moment to strike.

Jebia sit and wait within the murky darkness of the swamps.

Both species can and will use their tails as lures, lashing out at anything going near them (or someone oblivious enough to try and mine from them.)

Behavior: While both are assumed to be vicious unrelenting predators, they're only like that while out on a hunt. In truth, their quite skittish and more likely to flee at the first sign of danger, usually in the form of an unknown vibration. Jebia have an easier time telling vibrations apart compared to Vashimu since they aren't surround by a sea of rough, course sand and are less likely to flee compared to them. Jebia are also stronger and usually don't have to worry about stronger monsters, so that helps too.

For carapraceons, Akura's are pretty intelligent though still usually indifferent. While still mostly instinct oriented in their thought processing, they do demonstrate curiosity, can learn, reason, and express emtions. Vashimu are the more timid of the akura and quite jumpy to any surprises. Jebia are far more confident and tend to have a few more interaction with other creatures. Other than monster girls, the interactions are usually violent.

Their species also have two distinctive traits. One of the distinctive traits about Akura are there vindictive natures. Akura, even the more timid Vashimu, are nasty when angered and prone to enacting vengeance on any who wrong them (or their loved ones. I tried to warn that bouncer.) If someone cuts of their tail, hunters for example, they will literally eat their own tails just so no one else gets it and they get stamina back. Speaking of which, the second trait is their acceptance towards cannibalism of primals. Like all monster girls they'll "eat" each other, but unlike most monster girls, they won't hesitate eating the bodies of primal Akura.

How to Approach and Seduce: As stated before, Akura girls are both skittish, the Vashimu even more so do to their habitat while the Jebia are a bit more confident. This also make Jebia easier to romance since their a bit quicker to trust friendly strangers since they don't usually have to fear a natural predatory monster girl eating them out without permission. Vashimu bodies are usually ravaged by odeibatorasu girls, nearly literal tanks of the monster girl world whom will talk about later. Before you head out to find an Akura, be sure to bring some meat from the local fauna.

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