Chapter One

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Mixxi: Huff, huff. What should we do? What CAN we do?

Ananas: We asked the others to watch our things, they should be fine. But we don't have our phones.

Mixxi: Right, I hope they're ok.

Ananas: Either way, we have to get out.

[At school]


Dino-Sour: No way, that's how it ends? I need to read more!

Pitaya: Relax dumbassssssss, thissssss isssssss why it'ssssss a ssssseries. I've got the next book right here.

Plush: Seriously Dino, you sure you don't want to just read it online? They've got the entire series on WebToons, it makes it a much quicker read.

Dino-Sour: I don't have WebToons yet-

Plush: Dude you should really get on that. I'm about halfway through the whole thing already.

Dino-Sour: Shut up.

Plush: H-hey! You're holding me a little tight-.

Mixxi: You can't deny you like it though!

Plush: I feel like I'm getting tag-teamed.

Pitaya: Alright you lovebirdssssss-

Mixxi: Hehehe, lovebirds-

Pitaya: You too Mixxi. Don't think I don't know you're dating two of my ssssssiblingsssss.

Mixxi: That's fair...

Pitaya: Anywaysssssss, lunch'ssssss almossssssst over. We ssssssshpuld probably hurry up and eat. Hopefully I can alssssso get everyone elsssssse to read the resssssst of the sssssseriessssss assssss well...

Dino-Sour: Hey, is it ok if I bring the books I haven't read home? This is actually pretty good.

Pitaya: I know right? And it'sssss no problem. I know Longan and Lotusssssss already read the whole thing. Lychee'sssssss almosssssst done and Ananasssssss issssss too ssssssstubborn to give it a chance.

Although, I did find the firsssssst book in their room earlier...

Plush: If it's too much trouble, I can just give Dino-Sour my phone so he can read it online.

Pitaya: Nah, he can take it. Jussssst make ssssssure to bring it back tomorrow, ok?

Dino-Sour: Sounds good. Can't wait for tomorrow!

Mixxi: Me neither! Oh, we really don't have much time before lunch's over. We should get eating!

Plush: Oh shoot, we really should! Come on guys, we gotta hurry up!

Pitaya: Plussssssh, you're gonna choke at that rate.

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