Chapter 30

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"Y/n,  relax."

The gentle voice of Jimin's mate filled my ears.
"SaeYuna,   I have to find an effective and safe way to bring the existence of Werewolves and Vampires to light.   It isn't going to be easy in any way."   I felt like pulling my hair at the amount of stress this was giving me.   "I also need to help Yoongi fix the Kihyun issue.  After all that life should be smooth sailing."

SaeYuna thought for a moment.   "Well,  humans don't like what they can't understand.   Try explaining the biology and true nature of us.   Having that as an article would be a great thing to try."
She is absolutely right.
"That's exactly what I'll do.   I'll need you're help as well as the boys' help."

"I got ya covered.  Watch I'mma howl and Jimin will come running,  a techniques I learned some months ago."   I chuckled and waited.

She belted out a crisp and clear howl that sounded beautiful.

She counted down with her fingers.




Jimin burst in with a frantic manner.
"Cheesecake!   Is everything ok?!"
SaeYuna and I giggled at his reaction.
"I'm ok Mochi,   Y/n and I just need your help as well as the other six."
He pouted,  "Ok.  But I get cuddles after this.  You had me worried."  SaeYuna got up and hugged him,  "I'm sorry babe,   I'll give you cuddles all night long."

Satisfied with this,  Jimin kissed SaeYuna's cheek and went to collect to other boys.
Once we were all seated I started the mini meeting.

"Ok,   SaeYuna brought up a wonderful idea on how to properly introduce Werewolves and Vampires to the world.   I just need your help with your biology and instincts.  Is that ok with you guys?"   They instantly agreed.   "My only concern is what the hunters will do."

"Don't worry about them for the moment,  just focus on the report you're going to write."   Yoongi held my hand as he spoke, 
"We aren't going anywhere,  so there is no rush my angel."     I nodded and pecked his lips.   "Let's get started the shall we?

After weeks of research and analysis, we finally uploaded my report and explained that theses beings indeed exist.   I had sent this to higher up people in government agencies to petition for the respected living for these creatures.    Thankfully some of the places had Werewolf or Vampire Bigwigs,  so I got the ok.

Not a week after the report was released,  news channels all over the world were covering it.    To my surprise people showed interest in the idea of what Vampires and Werewolves walking amongst us.

So that's one thing off my shoulders.

Now to deal with Kihyun.   But I'll let Yoongi and the boys lead that affair.

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