Chapter 10

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During lunch me and Dib discussed what we wanted to do at his house. "What if we watched Mysterious Mysteries together!" I said to Dib. "Wait! What if we make a pillow fort and watch it in there!" He said excited. We're basically both jumping in our seats at this point we're so excited. While me and Dib are nerding out, Gaz comes up and sits next to Dib. She says. "My friends aren't here today, so I'll just sit with you guys." I look at Gaz. "Hey Gaz!" She looks at me for a moment and looks back at her game slave. I wonder what she's playing, maybe some "vampire piggies 2" I shrug it off and keep talking to Dib. "So, if we do get to do this, should my dad come with me or stay home?" Dib looks at me and thinks for a moment. "I think he should come, then he could meet my dad and maybe arrange more stuff so we can hang out together more!" We are both smiling so hard that it hurts my cheeks a bit. Gaz looks up and says. "Wait, Y/N is coming over for dinner?" Dib looks at Gaz and says. "Yeah I asked Dad this morning and got the ok from him, but we just gotta get the ok from Y/N's dad now." Gaz nods. Dib looks worried and asks. "Does it bother you?" Gaz looks at him. "No Dib." She says menacingly. Gaz is kinda spooky sometimes. Dib then looks at me and says. "I wonder what's gonna be on Mysterious Mysteries tonight." I nod. "Maybe something about bigfoot?" I said. Dib nods. After our talk the bell rings, we go to our lockers, grab our things, and start to walk to our houses.

(Dibs POV)

When me and Y/N sat down together at lunch, we discussed what we wanted to do at my house. "What if we watched Mysterious Mysteries together!" Y/N said to me, and I said to her. "Wait! What if we make a pillow fort and watch it in there!" Y/N and I are so excited! I'm basically jumping out of my seat! I really hope her dad says yes. Gaz soon walks up to me and sits down."My friends aren't here today, so I'll just sit with you guys." Y/N smiles. "Hey Gaz!" She looks at Y/N only for a moment, and I nudge her. She whispers to me. "Is lover boy trying to impress his girlfriendd" I blush a little. It looked like Y/N was thinking about something so she didn't hear. THANK GOD. Y/N soon says to me. "So, if we do get to do this, should my dad come with me or stay home?" I think for a second. "I think he should come, then he could meet my dad and maybe arrange more stuff so we can hang out together more!" She smiles, and I smile back at her, we're both smiling so hard that it kinda hurts. But I'm so excited! I can't help it! While me and Y/N are being all smiley and excited, Gaz says. "Wait, Y/N is coming over for dinner?" I look at her and say. "Yeah I asked Dad this morning and got the ok from him, but we just gotta get the ok from Y/N's dad now." I get worried for a second, hoping Gaz isn't upset, if she is then this whole thing will be done for. I gulp. "Does it bother you?" I ask concerned. Gaz looks at me menacingly and says. "No Dib." I sigh from relief, even though she said it all scary like. I soon look at Y/N and say.
"I wonder what's gonna be on Mysterious Mysteries tonight." She nods and looks like she's thinking for a minute, she's so adorable when she does that. "Maybe something about bigfoot?" She says with a thoughtful tone. I nod, me and Y/N talk for a moment after that, and the bell rings. We both head to our lockers, grab our things, and start walking to our houses.

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