Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

Qin Nuan is digging stones and digging happily.

In fact, it's quite addictive.

When she was a child, the situation at home was not good. She followed such a mother and needed her to be self-reliant. In her memory, she often went out to dig wild vegetables and go up the mountain to pick mushrooms.

Others only think that the life is tiring and the life is poor.

But she is very happy.

In the weeds all over the ground, find edible wild vegetables and shovel them with a small shovel.

Or under the roots of the mountain, under the dead branches and leaves, look for traces of mushrooms, find a bush of fat mushrooms, and carefully pick them into the basket.

Or find a mulberry tree, climb to the tree to pick the black mulberry fruit, eat and pretend to pack a bag of fruit, and then dye all the clothes black and purple.

Or find a wild orange tree, which picks off the oranges of the branch, and as soon as it eats it, it loses sour teeth.

Sometimes I will follow people to the beach far away to touch clams, catch crabs and crabs.

In her opinion, such a thing is full of wild fun.

She is always happy to do these things.

At this time, I was still a little nervous at first. I was afraid of being found, but I dug and dug out the trick. Which ore is easy to dig and which stone is not easy to dig can be seen at a glance.

That kind of easy-to-dig stone, she puts the knife to the root and pry it a few times, and she can pry it down.

It has a sense of accomplishment.

It seems to go back to a time when I was a child, when I made pocket money by opening oysters on the beach.

One quarre, one quart, quart another one.

Hey, hey.

She dug happily and forgot where she was, and she was not nervous.

Just then, she heard a voice: "Do you know?"

In the quiet and narrow cave, such a voice suddenly sounded. The sound was not loud, but it was as clear as if it sounded in my ear.

She cracked off a piece of ore and suddenly turned her head to see where the sound came from.

There are two people standing there, talking about a man with long hair. In reality, she has never seen a man with such long hair, but the man in front of her, his long hair does not look abrupt and strange, and her appearance is quite excellent.

Look at the man next to her, dressed in white and with gold ornaments and patterns on her clothes, looks absolutely not a regular dress or a dress. In fact, the temperament is a little like a military uniform, but she has never seen such a military uniform with a luxurious style.

Anyway, it looks very expensive and awesome.

Looking at this man's face, my first impression is beautiful.

A man's appearance is described as beautiful, which inevitably makes people feel feminine, but although his appearance is exquisite and beautiful, he still very generous when he looks at the layout of facial features. He is comfortable and wide-eyed, with three courtes and five eyes, and the golden ratio. Don't be too standardized. There is a sense of solemnity and sediment between his eyebrows, and gentle temperament.

In short, this is a person who makes people brighten their eyes and then give rise to a sense of trust from the bottom of their heart.

But will good people write the words "I am a good person" on their faces?

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