Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

In the past half a month, Qin Nuan has run to more than a dozen cities with two legs and sown sunflowers in so many places.

Nowadays, in these places, sunflowers are in the hearts of hard-suffering and desperate human beings, which is the divine flower.

In the eyes of the aliens in these cities, this is a warning, a deterrent, and they dare not act arbitrarily.

Aware of this, native humans valued sunflowers even more, just holding them high, and the behavior of hurting sunflowers is absolutely not allowed.

Things went much smoother than Qin Nuan thought.

When she returned to Linshan Town, she found that sunflowers were also planted here.

"Oh, be careful! Don't knock the flowers, yes, yes, put it here... Forget it, you'd better carry it in. It's windy at the door. Don't blow the flowers out."

Qin Nuan came to the front of the hotel and saw that the hotel manager was directing two people to carry flowers.

The sun was planted in a large ceramic flower pot. The flower pot itself was very heavy, and the soil inside was thick, and there were no one hundred catties. The two young men moved around with the flower pot, and their faces blushed.

"I said, manager, where the flowers are? Please give me the right thing!"

The manager is still hesitating. Put it at the door. It's beautiful and magnificent, but the wind is strong and cold. I'm afraid that the flowers will be frozen. Put it inside. People who come and go outside can't see it. What a pity.

With this hesitation, Qin Nuan walked over with a smile: "Isn't this flower a little withered?"

Several managers looked up and suddenly showed surprises: "Ah, Mu Xin, I haven't seen you for many days. I've been busy lately!"

Qin Nuan said, "Yes, so many refugees came to the county to help."

Qin Nuan didn't show her face after leaving for so many days. The saying to the people in the town was that she went to the county to help resettle those refugees and to work on food turnover. Anyway, few people knew that she had gone around the outside world.

Qin Nuan looked down at the sunflower. Its leaves were a little damaged and its petals were also slightly wilted. In order not to let it be blown by the wind, a triangular bracket was also erected around it and the flower pole was supported.

But he still has a wiled head and doesn't look very energetic.

Look at the other one in the other flower pot, which is almost the same.

"Is it hurt?" Qin Nuan asked.

The manager hurriedly said, "Yes, these two sunflowers were secretly dug back from the city. The boy didn't know flowers and trees. He was afraid that it was short of water on the road, so he poured a ladle of water on the earthen ball. Well, the earthen ball was frozen, and the roots were much frozen."

The manager said with a sad face.

Qin Nuan smiled and said, "It's okay. Just take a carload of sunflowers back and transport it to the workshop. You have to go there and carry two more trees back when you are free."

The manager's eyes lit up, a truckload of sunflowers. Good boy, where did she go to rob!

He said hurrily, "I'll go now, I'll go now!"

I'm afraid I can't get it off if I go late.

Qin Nuan walked upstairs. Her room was still empty. What did she look like when she left? It's still like now.

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