Chapter 11-12

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Chapter 11

This morning, Qin Nuan always wanted to sense the vitality in the air, but failed.

And now there is a man who is so full of vitality, shaking around in front of her!

Qin Nuan was stunned.

She quickly regained her composure, and there was no strangeness on her face.

Let's take a look at the reaction of Lao Hu and others first. They don't have anything abnormal. They should not see Zhou Pengcheng's vitality.

Looking at Zhou Pengcheng again, he didn't seem to realize that all the vitality in his body was leaked on his body surface, and now it is as eye-catching as a glowing egg.

Thinking of what, Qin Nuan looked at herself immediately. She wouldn't also reveal her vitality, would she?

Fortunately, she looks normal.

Immediately thinking about it, she realized that the vitality she received was only a little bit, which was used for gifting. Now there is no drop of vitality in her body. What can she use to leak it?

Zhou Pengcheng frowned at her and said, "Let out of the way!"

Qin Nuan retreated silently, but did not leave, but looked at him there.

Zhou Pengcheng:?

Qin Nuan said, "I'll see how you split it. Learn it."

Zhou Pengcheng suddenly felt that he had been humiliated.

It's humiliating to be forced to chop wood. Why, do you still need a supervisor now?

He took axe with a calm face, but a trace of disgust flashed through his front face. He took out the tissue from his pocket and wiped the handle of the axe up and down. Obviously, he had been holding it by Qin Nuan before disliked the handle of the axe.

Qin Nuan looked at the labor protection gloves in his hand silently.

There is no direct contact. There is no need, big brother.

Probably because he was watched by Qin Nuan, Lao Hu and other workers, Zhou Pengcheng also wanted to show his strength. He raised the axe high and suddenly chopped it down.

Then, it split it crooked.

The whole piece of wood was made to bounce and fly by him. Seeing that it was about to jump to Qin Nuan's face, Qin Nuan quickly grabbed the wood with his eyes.

The movements are very sharp and beautiful.

Onlookers: "Haw!"

They all looked at Qin Nuan in surprise and admiration. They took action very quickly just now. If it had been for them, they would have been fanned on their faces by firewood.

Qin Nuan looked at her hand holding firewood. If she thought about it, her reaction was not so fast.

Is it because you became a monk?

Lao Hu took the firewood in her hand, threw it in front of Zhou Pengcheng, and said angrily, "Will you work?"

Zhou Pengcheng gritted his teeth. Fuck, I'm a monk. He actually suffered this kind of idleness in this bird place!

He used his vitality this time.

Be sure to open these hillbilly.

Qin Nuan saw that the man's whole body was covered with a layer of white vitality suddenly thicker and brighter, and then his hands, axe handle and axe blades were also covered with a layer of white hair.

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