Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Qin Nuan's pace was even and stable, and each step was about the same distance, step away from the bat king behind him and the Trojan horse.

One meter, two meters, three meters...

Seeing that the stairs were right in front, if it went up to the corner of the second floor, where these birds could not see, immediately entered the secret place and detonated the Trojan horse at the same time.

Everything is over perfectly!

But just as she was holding a breath, the cold and bad voice of the Bat King suddenly came behind her.


Qin warmed his feet and his pupils expanded slightly.

Did he find anything?

What should I do?

In an instant, [Escape Now] and [Turn around and continue to deal with it] flashed in her mind.

Then she chose--

He turned around and asked with the most perfect smile, "What can I do for the guests?"

The Bat King said, "I'm all in. Why do I have to wait? I'll go up with you."

He walked over to Qin Nuan.

Qin Nuan's heart sank, but he still couldn't delay it!

She stopped hesitating, held her left wrist, and lit up the last melon seed.

At the same time, detonate the Trojan horse!

The Trojan horse exploded in an instant, without any omen or any pause. Qin Nuan thought, and it exploded directly.

However, before hearing the explosion, the Bat King first saw the fluctuation of vitality on Qin Nuan's body.

He didn't know what she was going to do, but he instinctively felt that something was wrong with the human maid, so at the moment when her vitality fluctuated, he accelerated to Qin Nuan.

His strength is much higher than Qin Nuan, and his speed is almost instantaneous in Qin Nuan's eyes.

In Qin Nuan's pupil, the reflection of the Bat King instantly zoomed into the extreme. When she didn't have time to do anything, her arm was caught!

Entering the secret world was interrupted!

But it was at the same moment, there was a loud sound.

The explosion came from behind the Bat King. He turned around in surprise and held Qin Nuan in his hand.

At this moment, Qin Nuan's brain was extremely sober. He curled up very decisively, using the body of the Bat King as a shield, completely hiding under his body.


Within ten meters, it is almost a destructive force.

Countless bloody metal fragments.

It swept everything.

All the birds were hit in an instant.

Even the Bat King was stabbed into his back by countless metal fragments and flew out by a huge wave because he was defenseless.

In fact, if he hadn't rushed towards Qin Nuan and hadn't completely exposed his back to the Trojan horse in his position just now.

If he hadn't been for Qin Nuan's attention, he wouldn't have been able to react at the first time the Trojan horse exploded.

It won't become Qin Nuan's most perfect shield.

Therefore, luck is really important and mysterious.

Qin Nuan was taken out with her. She heard the sound of flesh and blood being punctured and burst, saw the tragic picture of the birds being blown up, and also saw the flesh and blood on the back of the Bat King being torn by metal fragments, and the blood spots and clothes splashed.

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