Chapter 52

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Chapter 52

Qin Nuan left radishes for Jin Junchu and left at night.

She came to the so-called Zheng family.

As far as you can see from afar, in the dark night, an area is bright.

That's the Zheng family's land, where at least one-third of the survivors of Yangmen City gathered.

She quietly touched it. As soon as she approached the border, she felt something and reached out and touched the air.

There is an invisible boundary.

The original border of the clan land was like this. On the other side of Lingyang City, because she was the lord of the clan land order. She had no feeling when entering and leaving the clan land, and here, she felt a smell of similar existence.

Qin Nuan frowned and thought.

Under the clan order, she can accept her peers. Qin Nuan herself is a pure native. Even if she becomes a monk, there is no shadow behind her, so she is still a purebred native.

Therefore, her comers are naturally pure natives.

But the Zheng family is not. They were saluted by the Bat people, and the lord heard that he was a good monks, so they were alien monks and were no longer pure natives.

Well, this lord's compart should also be an alien monk.

Theoretically, pure natives will be excluded from entering.

So how does this take-out start?

Unless the aliens in this place are "family and friends" that the Lord has acquiesced in. For example, sunflower babies are the "family and friends" specially acquiesced by Qin Nuan, so they will not be rejected and will not feel uncomfortable.

But there are a number of relatives and friends, which is directly proportional to the number of ethnic groups in the territory. For example, if there are 1,000 ethnic groups, they can bring an inhuman relatives and friends.

Qin Nuan looked up in front of him again. This clan said bluntly that most of them were locals, so they were definitely not "family and friends".

She tried to move forward and felt a faint rejection when her body was about to cross this invisible boundary, which was an ethnic rejection of the non-ethnic people.

Qin Nuan narrowed and chose to walk in.

At the same time, in the center of the Zheng family, in a large room with luxurious and comfortable decoration, Zheng Phil lay on the sofa and played games happily.

There is an invisible screen in front of her.

[Clan Land Order: Yuanshi level

Ethnic groups: 339

Interracial: 52511]

The number of ethnic groups has not been moved for a long time, but the number of different ethnic groups is still rising.

She glanced casually, with a sarcastic smile at the corners of her mouth.

Do more, these people are all her nutrients. The more the better.

Suddenly, she seemed to feel something, and there seemed to be an unusual figure in the clan.

Before she could feel it carefully, someone happened to knock on the door. Zheng Phil quickly hid the game console in the cracks in the sofa. He also sat up straight and straight, looking like he was practicing vitality.


It was her grandfather, Zheng Xing'an who came in.

Zheng Phil opened his eyes and saw Grandpa. There was a trace of joy and intimacy in his calm eyes: "Grandpa."

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