Ch. 15"M.I.N.E (End This Way)"

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(Song by Five Finger Death Punch)

~January 2 2023~

~Jared's pov~

Sam has been good with not chewing on their fingers lately. They've been bitting on the necklaces a lot. I've seen one looking like Koda and Bridger's dog toys. It was an ugly brown square, that's probably why it was their first target.

I want to reward Sam today, I'm still deciding what. Shopping? A lazy day with me? I guess I can let them choose. I went upstairs to their room. Their head was laying on their big stuffed Moose. Their brother sent them a box of their stuff and some other things. I believe the Moose's name is Melvin, the Moose belonged to their oldest brother and had been passed down by the brothers to them.

They opened their eyes and looked at me. It looked like they have been awake for a while. I walked closer to them and kissed them on their forehead.

"Good morning, sweetheart." I kissed them again, but on their cheek. They giggled a bit a reached out for me. "You want more kisses?" Sam nodded and curled up onto me. I quickly pecked at their lips, they looked flabbergasted with a hint of blush on their pale cheeks. "C'mon, let's go make pancakes." I said after kissing them on the forehead, again.

After breakfast Sam and I were cuddling on the couch. They carefully moved around to lay their head on my shoulder. They pulled on the small blanket and tried to cover me as well. Sam sighed when the blanket came off of me, they hugged me tightly and sniffled. I quickly turned my head to see if they were crying. They just flashed me a smile and pecked me on the cheek.

I smiled and held them close to me. "You wanna do something fun today?" They looked up at me and shrugged. "Well, I just thought we can go out and make a blanket that we can use when we cuddle ot lay together?" Sam's blue eyes whidend, They nodded happily. "Okay, go get dressed."

They got up and walked away while they tried to crack their knuckles. I realized over time that they do that when nervous or excited. I petted Koda Arlo and Bridger before I went to my room.



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I got dressed before Sam did. I don't put much thought into my outfits. As I waited for Sam to finish up I let the dogs out into the fenced backyard. Behind the fence is a wooden area with a creek out in the middle. It's thicker than the woods behind my old house. I remember one of Sam's friends, Julian, came over and Sam forced him to go out and make a fort from branches. Julian didn't like the woods and he just spent the rest of the time inside.

If I recall correctly Sam lived in a remote area in Indiana. That's probably why they don't mind the woods. They don't mind the cold outside, I bet the winters are way colder up there than down here. They were disappointed that we didn't get much snow, even though they already suspected no snow.

Trashed and Scattered~Adopted by Jared Padalecki (BOOK |) Where stories live. Discover now