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GLORY & GORE / john mactavish

❝Think about this:you have the ability to survive anything

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❝Think about this:
you have the ability to survive anything.

That is why, despite all the storms made of
pain and loss, despite all of the chaos that
you have had to endure you are still here and
you are still going strong.❞

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MELINA ROJAS WAS NO LONGER THE SAME GIRL THAT ENLISTED. Grief had molded her into a soldier with no attachments. Her only priority being the mission.

The last time John Mactavish had seen Melina, he had just left the medical tent in search of the girl. They had just returned from a mission who's objective was to apprehend a target, who had US soldiers held captive, and rescue the soldiers. Unbeknownst to the soldiers, the target had already execute their captives and amongst was Sgt. Mateo Rojas, Melina's brother. The events after remained unspoken amongst the soldiers. When John had finally found the girl, wanting to comfort her, she had stood in front of their Commanding Officer, with her duffel bag by her feet and her hand to her forehead, saluting their commanding officer before leaving the tent, never to be seen again. Some believed she had been discharged or she gotten a transfer. All John Mactavish knew was that he wasn't going see her again.

As the years go by, Melina had climbed her way through the ranks, racking up numerous confirmed kills and successful missions. Earning her the title Sgt. Melina Rojas—a title her brother once obtained. She had become an excellent sharpshooter and weapons specialist, making her a valuable candidate for SAS, under the leadership of Captain John Price.

When Melina had been assigned to work alongside Lt. Simon 'Ghost' Riley to capture Hassan, dead or alive, she wasn't expecting a reunion with Sgt. John Mactavish. Although they once each other in the past, they were almost complete strangers.

 Although they once each other in the past, they were almost complete strangers

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( played by adria arjona )

 MELINA "ROGUE" ROJAS !( played by adria arjona )

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DISCLAIMER ! all credits go to activision & infinity ward. i only own melina, her dialogue & the plot.

DEDICATIONS ! this is dedicated to timdraker & tomscruise , who fed into my impulse. plus my babe deserves some love

WARNINGS !      this may contain video game violence, trauma, grief, violence, kidnapping, torture, angst, & etc.
please be advised moving forward.

AUTHOR'S NOTE !      this is literally the only non-dc fic i have. am i mad about it? no. am i excited for this? yes. i already have so many ideas for au scenes. soap and melina are my babies. <jolina3

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( made by dorkiest_nerd ! )

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( made by dorkiest_nerd ! )

GLORY & GORE ━━ JOHN MACTAVISHWhere stories live. Discover now