00. TASK FORCE 1-4-1

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chapter zero ━━━━ task force 1-4-1

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chapter zero ━━━━ task force 1-4-1

"General Shepherd pulled the files you asked for."

The blonde woman reached underneath the table and grabbed the case that contained dossiers of the select soldiers. She placed the case on top of the table, narrowing her eyes at the Captain. "What exactly is this about?"

"A task force."

Kate shook her head. "We already have loose ends."

"And I will tie them." Price countered. She still wouldn't budge to his proposal. There were many unknowns that were at play and with unknowns comes a multitude of unwantedcircumstances.

"I can fund assets, not outlaws."

Kate trusted him but this wasn't about trust. It was about the effectiveness and use this task force could be. You can't pluck a fresh soldier out of a boot camp. This needed time and research to form a squad, or task force, with specialties and different skill sets and that's what exactly Captain Price did.

"Who's your crew?" Laswell questioned. She decided to throw him a bone. If she knew John, she knew he had a reason as to why he picked each candidate.

Shuffling through the stack, Price picked up a manila folder. "Sergeant Garrick."


"They call him 'Gaz'. Never said anything." Kyle's folder was placed on the table as he searched through for the candidates folder.

"John Mactavish. SAS. Sniper- demolitions. Goes by Soap." Kate looked at the picture on the second file. A Scotsman with mohawk. "Why?" Laswell questioned the soldiers unique callsign.

"That's classified." Price quickly answered. Kate nodded in response and didn't ask no further question on the soldier.

After placing the second soldiers dossier down, the third one made the Captain chuckle as he placed the folder down. "There he is. Simon Riley."

"There's no picture."


As Kate examined the black outline of the photo, another dossier was placed in her field of view. The operative being quite familiar to the woman.

"Sergeant Melina Rojas. Weapons Specialist and excellent marksman." The hispanic woman had her hair braided neatly behind her head. Her eyes seemed as almost lifeless.

"Goes by Rogue." As the woman observed the file, the Captain collected the few files and placed them back into his hands. "Now the rest? That's need to know. Unless we got a deal."

What are you calling this task force?"



AUTHOR'S NOTE !      i know this is short but bare with me. it took me awhile to write this because i had stuff added but then i decided last minute that i wanted to add that part elsewhere so i took it out but i feel content with this. the first chapter will deff be longer. dw we're getting the jolina content seen *winks*. i hope you enjoy. stay safe and well my loves!

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( made by dorkiest_nerd ! )

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( made by dorkiest_nerd ! )

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