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Everything goes well with my job at pleasing. I am working full time and somedays even more hours because we want the collection to be out soon. Everyone has a lot of ideas and we all listen to each other closely. Harry is present to as many meetings as he can because his schedule is full all the time. I don't know how he can do all of these things without stressing himself out. I, on the other hand, only have the job in pleasing and i find myself crying in my room at night. 

We all come closer and closer as the days go by but i have a secret that i don't feel ready telling yet. I have a daughter. A little girl, named Emma, who is the sweetest girl ever. I had her 3 years ago and that's the reason i left Manchester and come to Los Angeles. My sister worked here long before that idea crossed my mind and i knew that if i want my life to change i had to go. So, i took my daughter and left everything behind me. 

When i first came here i lived with my sister and her soon to be wife in their tiny apartment. Tonya and Florence were the biggest help. Florence works from home so she could take care of Emma when my sister and I worked. She became Emma's favorite person and the bond these two have is something that I am jealous. After a while, Emma and I moved out of their apartment and we went to our own place, just a floor above them in the same apartment building. It was an opportunity that i knew i had to take. We still spend everyday with each other as Tonya and Florence are obsessed with my little girl. Emma started school this year so Florence doesn't have to take care of her when i work. I am off work by the time school ends so i have all the time in the world to spend with my little love. 

"Emma, are you ready? I have to take you to school darling." 

"Yes, mumma. Can you do my hair?" She sits in the chair in front of me, with my help of course. 

"Do you want braids?" I ask her as i braid her blond hair. She is a copy of me. The only thing that we have different is our hair. My hair is black and hers is blond. She is like a little angel, she is my angel, the one that saved my life.  

"Do you like it?" I ask her as i take the mirror so she can look at herself. 

"Mummy, i am so beautiful." 

"You are, angel. The most beautiful girl in the world. Now, go put your shoes on. We have to leave." 

"I don't want to go to school. I want to come with you." 

"You know you can't. But, it's Friday so you know what that means?" I ask her.

"Ice cream." She yells and takes her little bag with her food in it. 

First, we go to her school. She gives me the biggest hug and then go to Millie, her new friend. Millie is a sweet girl and I can tell that her dads did a great job with her. I have talked with them and we came to the conclusion that our kids found a savior in each other. They are both from "unusual" families, and whether i want to believe that kids don't make fun of them, i deep now know that they do. But, for some reason Emma and Millie don't cry about it. They have each other. They found a friend, and their kind hearts think that it is enough. 

"Iris." I hear a man's voice calling me as i walk back to my car. I turn around and i see Patrick, one of Millie's dads, waving at me.

"Hello Patrick, how are you?"

"I'm fine, how are you?"

"I'm fine too. "

"Do you want to come to our place tonight for a playdate? Chris and I will make pizza tonight and we really want you and Em to be there." 

"Of course we can. I will take Emma for ice cream after school. I can always take Millie with us." I suggest.  

"You don't have to."

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