twenty seven

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I am away from home for a few time now and I miss Los Angeles crazily. It's the first time I do. Today is the day that I am going back to my girls. I haven't seen them since they came to visit me during my residency in New York city. I am going straight to Iris' house, and I think that I might have a discussion with her. I want them to come live with me, I want us all to move in together. I have already a house here and it is closer than expected to both Iris' work and Emma's school. We can even go to a new place, whatever my girls want. I want Emma to have the space she wants, I want her to live the perfect life.

I want to discuss with Iris the fact that I see Emma as my own daughter too. I wanted to talk to her about that since we were in London but I thought that it was way too early, I thought that I might imagine that because I love Emma so much but I am not. I have talked to my therapist and I have talked to my mother too about that feelings. Both of them told me that it is normal to feel that way. I am ready to be fully engaged to that relationship and take it to the next level. I want to have a future with Iris. First comes the cohabitation, then it comes the proposal and then another kid.

I want to have more kids with her. I mean she is the perfect mother. I want to have four kids with her so no one can feel the middle child syndrome. In my mind, we already have one. I hope that she feels that way too.

"Hello, Harry. How was tour?" Colby asks me as I enter the building. Iris told me that he learned who I am a few weeks ago because his granddaughter is going to come to see me in one of the shows. She showed him a photo and he told her that he knew me a while now. I can't even imagine the shock of thar girl when she learned that her grandpa knows me. Iris said that she was so respectful, she told Colby to not tell me anything and she didn't share the location of Iris' home on the internet. I should send her a thank you letter for that.

"It was fine, though I missed my girls."

"Your girls missed you too, Emma hasn't stopped talking about you." He informes me smiling.

"Is she talking about me?" I still can't believe that Emma loves me. I didn't do anything to deserve that little girl's love.

"She is. She loves you so much. She always tells me how much she misses you and she also told me to listen to some of your songs."

"Oh, Colby. Thank you for not telling anyone that you know me. I want to send your granddaughter some things. Should I give them to you?"

"You don't have to, Harry. That's basic decency." He tells me once again.

I nod. "I know, I just want to. I would have them with me the next time I see you."

"Thank you, Harry." He smiles at me genuine. I love these kind of people. They don't see me as a celebrity, to them I am just Harry.

I decide to take the lift to Iris' apartment. I want it to be one of the last times I have to do something like that. I want them to move in with me. I knock at their door and I wait. I can here some steps and some talking behind the door before it eventually opens.

"HARRY." Emma screams and I know that the whole building knows that I am here. I immediately raise her to my arms so she can hug me better. She kisses my face and I laugh at her reaction. It would be so difficult when I have to leave them again.

"Emma." I tell her as excitedly as I can to match her reaction. "Let me hug your mumma too, little honey."

"Hey, babe. Welcome back." Iris tells me as she hugs me. We don't kiss due to the fact that I still have Emma on my arms.

"I missed you two so much." We all go to the living room, leaving my luggage by the door. I sit on the couch, Emma sits on my legs and Iris right beside me.

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