thirty seven

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"Harry, you are kidding me, right?" I ask Harry so I can confirm his previous statement.

He shakes his head. "I saw her a few minutes ago. You have to meet her."

"So you aren't jealous?" I ask him. Emily Ratajkowski is my female free pass on this relationship.

"No, she doesn't stand a chance, honey."

He is right. She may be my female crush but I wouldn't do this to Harry ever. She is a goddess, a true beauty, don't get me wrong but I am so in love with my boyfriend that I don't think I'll ever look at someone else romantically.

However, I won't let Harry rest. I mean he is so sure about himself and he has to get humbled from time to time.

"Oh, do you really believe that? If she tells me that she wants only a night with me, I'll leave you." I try to play this role but I don't think I succeeded.

"Would you?" He asks, almost anxious.

"Of course not, I'll always choose you. Even if Emily fucking Ratajkowski asks me out." I put my hands around him and I kiss him.

I missed being like that with him. I missed his lips, his arms, his cologne, everything. I wish I could just follow him around the globe but I can't do that. I have a job, a kid and I think that another one will be on the way sooner than we think. 

I think that I might be pregnant. I have all the symptoms I had when I was pregnant with Emma. I am always sleepy and I'm super nauseous all day too. I can't stand on my feet and I am tired all the the time. I haven't taken a test yet but I'll plan on doing that in a few days when we are back home to L.A. 

Harry hasn't connect the dots yet and I don't want to talk about that possibility with him because if I am not pregnant, he will be disappointed. He always tells me how much he wants us to have a second child. He is born to be a father. He is a natural. He is the best father I could always ask for my children. He is basically the best thing that happened to me. 

"Darling, do you want some of my drink?" He looks at the glass of the tequila he chose to drink. 

I shake my head. I don't want to drink just in case. "No, I still don't feel well. Thank you." I try to say something true without sounding that I am thinking too much into it. 

"Oh, do you want to leave?" I shake my head once again but Kiko's voice stops me before talking. 

"Hey, Harold, Iris. Come here, I want to introduce you to some of my friends."  She takes my and Harry's hand and take us to the said friends. 

She is walking fast and I try to follow her beside the fact that I am feeling tired. I try to sneak a view of the friends she wants to introduce us. I watch the people in front of me and I see Emily Ratajkowski and some other girls. They are all so pretty. 

"Harry, Iris these are my friends Emily, Emma and Karen." She tells us and show us the girls. 

"Nice to meet you." Harry gives them all a smile and then his hand to greet them. 

"Hello, nice to meet you." I say as calm as I can. I couldn't say anything else because I am far too excited to stand in front of Emily. 

We talk for a little before an uncomfortable silence is taken over the place where our voices were standing in. "Emma, our daughter has the same name as you." Harry says to break the silence and the awkwardness we were all feeling. 

The eyes of the girls go wild and I look at them. "Oh, you have a daughter. How old is she?" Emma asks us. 

"She's five." I answer this time. 

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