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                    Imani's POV

Kaliah: "how's life? I feel like we haven't talked in a minute"

"I like it here in Charlotte but it's definitely boring without you guys"

Kaliah: "well there's Melo"

"I guess." I shrugged

Kaliah: "you should come home for like a week, I'm sure dip would be fine"

"I don't wanna leave him"

Kaliah: "it's only a week imani"

"I know but I like being around to support him"

Kaliah: "We can watch his games on Tv" she laughed

"It's not the same"

Kaliah: "well then I know you'll figure something out"

I just nodded

"Have you spoken to ally since all of that shit went down?"

Kaliah: "I tried but she's been living her best life with Zo; she barely answers her phone"

"Any word from E?"

Kaliah: "actually yeah. She finally told me what happened between her and Gelo"

"Do Tell" I nodded

Kaliah: "long story short she caught him talking to some woman named Nikki, she confronted him and he said the lady was just a friend...this happened 3 times before she decided to text the girl

"Don't tell me Gelo cheated"

Kaliah: "she never physically caught him in the act but-"

"Flirting with other people IS cheating"

Kaliah: "then yeah I guess he was"


Kaliah: "that's not even the worst part! They were going tit for tat"

"She cheated too?!"

Kaliah: "might as well had. She started texting other people too."

" Let me guess; he found out and had an attitude about it?"

Kaliah: "of course! You know men can never take what they dish out"

"So they broke up because they were both texting other people?"

Kaliah: "basically. She didn't trust him, he didn't trust her... you know how it goes"

"In true Liangelo fashion I'm gonna assume he's talking to the other woman now?"

Kaliah nodded and I rolled my eyes

"Gelo won't learn until he accidentally knocks up one of these hoes"

Kaliah: "that's what I said!"

"I hope he doesn't think all of us are gonna bring her into our circle"

Kaliah: "this is the third time he's done this! Yeah I understand him and Izzy went through a rough patch and I get that they were young so I don't blame them for goin their separate ways"

"So We're all finally admitting that gelo was the downfall for him And Jaden?"

Kaliah: "yup. She was so good for him and they were on the same level"

" E is so humble and down to earth, she didn't care about his money, his fame, or the baggage he came with"

Kaliah: "I wonder if Melo knows"

"I'm pretty sure he does but you know how he is"

Kaliah: "understandable"

"Other than the friend group falling apart, how's life for you?" I laughed

Kaliah: "it's been normal...I ran into Denise and zoey at the mall yesterday"


Kaliah: "very but she apologized."

"Good" I said as I rolled my eyes

Melo: "wifey?!" I heard him yell

Kaliah: "Melo's home already!?"

"Yeah that's weird" I said as I put my AirPods in and jogged downstairs

Melo: "she's not home, we're good" I heard him say

Who the fuck was he talking to?!

Kaliah: "wait what's goin on?"

"I don't know but I'm about to find out" I said lowly

"You're back early" I said as I walked up behind him

Melo: "ahh! You scared the shit out of me! I thought you were at the mall"

"I changed my mind about going. I've been home all day"

"Where do you want me to put these" a short girl asked as she game in with shopping bags

Kaliah: "I hear a girl, who is that?" She asked in my ear

Melo: "well this is awkward" He said as he twiddled his thumbs like a child

Kaliah: "imani?"

Melo: "you can stack em up against the wall over there" he said as he pointed to the wall

Kaliah: "Imani!"

I just stared at Melo with a blank expression

Melo: "since you're home the surprise is ruined"


Melo just pointed to the door as the girl bright it a giant bouquet of roses shaped like teddy bear

Pretty soon some man came and asked Melo to sign something so he walked over to the door


Kaliah: "yeah?"

"Can I call you back until I figure out what's goin on?"

Kaliah: "yeah..bye" she laughed before hanging up

I took my AirPod out and sat it on the mantle

"All clears Mr. Ball" the lady said before leaving out and getting into a big truck

Melo: "and this..is for you" he said as he took his number One chain off

"What's all this for?" I asked as he put the necklace on for me

Melo: "sticking with me. You're the only person in my corner who sees my flaws and finds a way for me to better myself instead of telling me all the shit I do wrong. I appreciate you for it and just thought that you should know that" he said as he wrapped his arms around my waist

"You know I got you" I said as I turned around and held onto him

Melo: "always and forever?"

"Always and forever" I smiled

Ever since we moved out here Melo has gone above and beyond to make me feel loved.

no matter how busy he was he'd always call and make sure I'm alright at home, he'd update me on his day, and remind me how much he loves me

Ladies, if he wanted to..he would

I think it's time I did something nice for him in return

STARTED: 11/04/2022
PUBLISHED: 11/10/2022
UPDATED:  03/17/2024

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