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The Water Gardens were absolutely breathtaking

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The Water Gardens were absolutely breathtaking.

Nothing like Kingslanding, most would say far better.

In this place, where the royal blood of Dorne walked and laughed, fell in love and had battles, where decisions were made for the safety of its people against dragons and warlords, for all its beauty it housed just as many demons.

Victoria stared longingly at the exotic flowers, and beautiful fruit that hung from it. The sun beamed so warmly, the smell of sea cling to her senses, it wasn't hard to let go here, and yet she found herself stuck in a sense of survival.

How easily she'd found herself singing and laughing here, dancing to the musicians and singers that often came to celebrate her return.

The sun kissed winter bride, they'd often call her, a beautiful hymn of her adventures north as the outsider of Dorne. Her father found them absolutely riveting, and often would pay for them to sing her these ballad and dance with her cousins. She remembered how often her time was spent underneath the trees, soaking in the warmth and telling her cousins about her time north and her pleasures with Robb. She never thought things would change, those memories would be just in the last, and the Water Gardens would be a graveyard if her innocence.

She clung to the fabric of her dress nearest her belly, a habit that never went away after the twins birth. It was something she'd done once to comfort herself in times of war, knowing that everything else could've gone to hell but her babes were still safe. And now that they were present in this world, away from the safety of her womb she no longer took comfort but vengeance. The simple action, the thought of all she had lost and could lose was still right there, all 3 of her children were apart of her.

"How'd it go?" Victoria said, she noticed the interruption of her silence as footsteps approached. The quick pair of feet were determined, headed straight in her direction where she hid, away from her problems, from Lannisters, even her own family.

She knew the answer, she knew the outcome but her stomach still tightened and her throat swelled.

Amina stood in front of her, she looked grim. She'd sat in the meeting amongst her family and the Lannisters in place of Victoria.

Amina rolled on the balls of her feet, the warmth of the sun contrasting the darkness she was now feeling. Monterroso beside her also felt odd. They shared one brief glance while Lady Valiente kept her eyes on the gardens, and in those moments they replayed the entire conversation, expressions, even anger disheveled within that short moment.

Amina felt her jaw stiffen and Monterroso nodded before the brunette serpent spoke, "the decision been a made, he's not taking action, he's allowing them to take Princess Marcella back home and..."

Victoria looked at them finally, her angered pictured like a painting as an eyebrow rose, "and?"

Amina bit the inside of her cheek, knowing that this was the real travesty, "he's sending Trystan with them, to take my fathers place on the small council."

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