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"What are you going to do?"

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"What are you going to do?"

Victoria holds her son in her arms, his snoring softly blows on her neck and she lifts him tighter into her body. Her hearts thumping so loudly she feels out of breath and nervous, this wasn't foreign but it was uninviting.

She swallowed thickly and looked around, on one side she had the horse stalls where the carriage awaited her children and prepared them for the descent back to Valiente castle, and then the other she had Trystan and her Uncle who she loved very much and wished to keep safe.

"Fuck," She cursed with anger and slight despair, her son moved and awake.

His colored eyes looking dazed as he pulled back and met her gaze, "mama?"

"My summer frost," she cooed lowly and kissed his forehead. "We need to go see Uncle Doran and Trystan, do you think you can walk?"

He yawned, stretching his arms and nodding. She gently placed him on the ground and noted Valeria was staring at her with wide eyes, awaiting an explanation.

Elaine crossed her arms, "what are you doing?"

Her husband looked at Lady Valiente much in the same manner, they both awaited a response.

"If I send the children away without saying a word they'll know somethings wrong, I need to at least have them say goodbye." She explained, squatting down she pushing her sons curled locks back. Valeria also had her hair pressed behind her ears and the front of her dress was pressed downwards as the mother fussed to rid herself of nerves. She gave them a somber smile and kissed their conjoined hands. "Let's go say bye to Uncle Doran and Trystan okay?"

"What if Jamie—"

Elaine was stopped with a look from Victoria who asked her not to continue, "he can make his own conclusions of them if he sees them. For now I will not run away like some scared child, this is my home as much as it is the sand snakes."


Aleks and Valeria played atop the beautiful carpet of Trystan's room, the twins giggled and murmured to one another indistinguishably as the mother looked on. Her eyes concentrated on the golden dragon in his hands, it was light, shiny it nearly appeared to be fake. To those that knew nothing they would overlook the toy but to the mother, and the few close at heart the backstory of them was much more interesting.

In fact, the dragon was gold, and the red beads that resembled eyes were rubies, much like his sisters identical one made of dragon glass, with green emeralds that sparkled just right. The twins went everywhere with them, the moment was rare that a toddlers hand wasn't wrapped around the priceless gems and although there had been a question here and there over the origin of said toys the mother could usually shrug it off.

It was moments like today however, when she truly remembered the days after she'd given birth when they appeared. She could still remember the intricate note that had come, the smell of foreign spices and a beautiful sentence.

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