"We are only human, and the gods have fashioned us for love. That is our great glory, and our great tragedy."
(SEASON 1-8)
(COVER BY @JustSav)
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For nearly 2 years Dorne conquered and ruled, becoming a powerful nation and allies with some of the most influential eastern countries in the realm.
They all spoke of the beautiful Queen that had grown quickly, her country was well protected, the Stepstones were thriving and all trade went through Dorne instead of Westeros.
The kingdom to the North had many problems now, preoccupied with Sparrows and Faith Militants it was easy to take much of Westeros work. The grand lords were charmed with her beauty, with the culture of her people, and with the intensity she had for her country and children. When the riches began to inhibit most of the sun touched land it was no surprise when Westerosi Lords come knocking omg their doors for aid, often behind the King Tommens back. All those were quite enamored with ever part of the new royal family.
The Prince and Princess of Dorne were amongst the most mature and joyous children of the realm.
Valeria was smart, she sat in many council meetings willingly with her mother, sent off warriors and visited with the sick. She was intelligent and observant, a brilliant smile on her lips whenever anyone looked at her and a regal air to her ways, the little queen, they nicknamed her as she mimicked her mother.
Aleks on the other hand was wild and free, he trained daily with a sword, he walked the streets of the cities like a commoner and often traveled alone as much as possible. He was a child, yes, but that did not stop him from going out and living a life worth exploring. From the moment he woke up in the castle he was out, swimming the shores with Greywind who followed the boy everywhere. The twins shared a sense of duty, both taking on different roles more suited to their characteristics.
And as for the mother, Victoria, well she had both softened with age and hardened with diplomacy.
The first breeze of winter came gently, with kisses of surprise but gentle delights, the air was crisp, the sun still shined and warmed the streets but it was now more bearable to enjoy time out.
It was bright and early that morning when the tables began to turn.
"My Queen, a raven has arrived." One of her servants walked into the hall, a scroll sitting atop a silver platter. The servant followed the line of others holding the morning feast.
Victoria looked up and smiled, moving her gaze from her son to see the young women, Matilda, awaiting her response. Valeria had been eating her food was a satisfying silence, only looking up for from the rounded dough to smile at his mother who had pulled her curled hair behind her ear.
"Whatever the matter may be can wait," She hummed and cast her eyes back to her children. "I'd like to enjoy the morning with my babes before the Lords of Dorne give me another headache."
"Mama, you can tell them to shut up, you're queen." Valeria stared very softly, her eyes on the fruit plate in front of her.
"I can do it!" Aleks exclaimed excitedly. The group gathered laughed at his zealous nature, he was known for speaking his mind.