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"What is wrong my love," Victoria Valiente spoke to her betrothed as they both laid in her bed

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"What is wrong my love," Victoria Valiente spoke to her betrothed as they both laid in her bed. His body was strewn over hers, the women sitting upright by the headboard and running her fingers through the soft hair on his chest. She had been content to simply listen to his breathing and the sound of his fingers running up her thighs. He had been quiet since entering her room, not even rushing for sex just simply pulling her to the bed until they were laying in the position they were currently.

Victoria was now concerned, and although she could guess that much of his silence had to do with the war against the Lannisters she had no doubt Robb was still holding back. The Starks hands stopped caressing her and instead he finally spoke, "do you know how many men will be under my command?"

Victoria pretended to think it over before shaking her head, "not a chance."

"18,000, and that's without your fathers forces. 18,000 men of the north who have entrusted themselves in me. That's 18,000 who the majority are older, wiser and likely have more battle time in battle then I ever have." Robb spoke with slight worry. "They'll all be here tomorrow with their Lords, most of which don't know me and certainly don't trust me enough to follow me into battle. How will I convince them of that."

Victoria thought over his words, she couldn't deny how much truth there was in them, after all Robb was not even officially Warden of the North just yet. All these Lords that rode with their cavalries were loyal to Ned Stark not his son. Besides all of this most of the Lords weren't entirely happy that a foreigner was to be Wardeness, most of them had wished their own daughters to have been pledged to Robb and the idea that Targeryen blood ran through her veins added a bitter taste to their mouths. Despite the truth however she knew that it was her duty to assure her future husband that he could do this and it came as no trouble to her because she had all the faith in the world Robb would accomplish more.

Her hands moved from chest to his soft curls, massaging his scalp with her nimble fingers, "You have no faith in yourself my love, all those men are loyal to the Stark name, not your father. They will swear their lives just like their ancestors have done so in the past and you will prevail just like your father, grandfathers and any other Stark who put their mind and soul into an idea."

Robb turned his body so now he could see the face of the women who had showed herself loyal to him, loyal to his family, and above all else, loyal to their love for one another. Robb pressed his hands around her jawline, grasping her soft skin into his hands, "you've got more faith in me then I do myself."

"It's not faith you bloody idiot," Victoria rebutted but pressed her hands over his in an effort to rid him of his worries. "It's you, it's always been you Robb.
Our fathers are rotting in a jail cell for crimes they did not commit over a family that has hated all of us since before our birth. Robb, you're more then just a man now, you have power and strength incomparable. You will do and can do more then any of those Lords think possible."

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