⎯⎯ ୨Chapter 03୧ ⎯⎯

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He slowly bent down and lifted up the cloth to reveal.

Togami's lifeless body.


"KYAAAAAAAA!" Mikan shrieked.

Monokuma popped up onto the table.

"My, my! Who'd thunk this'd turn out awful? Awful entertainin' that is!" He let out a laugh before continuing. "Reduced to a deserted resort of despair, Jabberwock island has finally become the stage for the first murder!"

"Y-you can't be serious... Someone killed Togami?"

Hinata fell backwards and was caught by Nagito. Everyone was terrified except Killua and Gon, Killua was used to death. Gon was too, but he still felt sadness. Killua had been wrong, somebody did have the guts to kill someone.

*ding dong dong ding*

"A body has been found! After the designated investigation period is over, we're gonna dive straight into the class trial."

"Class trial?" Somebody asked.

'Either they didn't read the new rules, or they're just an idiot.' Killua thought to himself.

Killua ignored Monokuma's quick explanation.

"Are you suggesting someone from our class killed Togami?" Mahiru asked.

"Did you seriously just ask that?" Killua asked in disbelief, these guys really were idiots. "If you had read the rules, you would know that a class trial only happens if one of us commits murder." Killua explained, annoyed.

"It... it can't be true... I refuse to believe that someone killed him!" Sonia said.

"I didn't think anybody even could." He said before muttering. "Considering you guys didn't seem to have the balls to kill someone."

"Upu pu! I see you've finally come around! Fer bein' such good children, y'all can have this free Monokuma file!" Monokuma piped in, holding a tablet in the air. "I don't expect a bunch of lousy amateurs-" "What do you mean 'amateurs'?!" Monokuma continued, ignoring Killua. "To crack this case without some hints! An' bein' the compassionate bear I am, I threw together a report that accurately details the stiff! C'mon kiddos! There ain't much time left till the class trial! Start investigatin' like yer life depends on it! 'Cause it does." He then disappeared again.

"Killua, Gon could you two go look around and try to find the cause of the outage?" Hinata asked, turning to the two.

"Sure." Killua replied, ushering Gon out of the room.

"I'm honestly surprised somebody killed the guy." Killua said, as they checked the rooms.

"Yeah..." Gon replied.

They entered a room to see three irons plugged in.

"These might have caused the outage." Gon stated.

"No, I doubt it would take three irons, let's keep looking." Killua said, plainly.

They checked some more rooms before coming across an A/C.

"Ne, Killua. Look, there's a time on it!" Gon pointed to the A/C.

Killua walked over to it and realized it was set to the time that Togami was killed. 11:30 exactly.

"I think this was the cause, Gon." He said, turning to the tan male.

They began making their way back to the room when the familiar dinging went off before Monokuma's voice spoke. "Woot! Guess what time it is! It's time fer the class trial! Some if y'all have been dyin' to attend... some of y'all been killin'! Please gather up 'round the mountain with my adorable faces of death carved into it. Otherwise known as Jabberwock island's very own Monokuma Rock!"


"I'm pretty sure that was a normal mountain just the other day..." Kazuichi stated.

"Hey, does anyone know where Kuzuryu is?" Ibuki asked, looking around.

"Couldn't you just picture him fleeing with his tail between his legs? The guy practically screams 'I'm guilty'!" Hiyoko accused.

Killua looked over at Gon who was looking at Hiyoko disapprovingly, Killua could tell what he was thinking.

"Just because you don't like him, doesn't mean you can accuse him of everything." Gon told her.

"And why not? What do you know about this stuff? You're just a hunter!" She shot back.

"Says the traditional dancer. At least he knows how to survive. I wouldn't be surprised if you're next to DIE!" He Jumped at her, making her shriek. He began laughing as the others glared, disapprovingly.

"Get yer paws offa me! It takes a lotta nerve draggin' me out here!" It was Kuzuryu being dragged over by Monokuma.

There was a sudden 'rrmm' sound as the ground began to tremble as one of the Monokuma heads opened its mouth to reveal a descending escalator.

"Now, it's real simple. Ya take the escalator up ta the elevator, which goes down ta the courtroom." Monokuma explained as he stood on the escalator and went up slowly. Killua and Gon were the first ones to step onto the escalator after Monokuma. Soon enough the others follow suit. They then proceeded to enter the elevator that soon began to go down with a 'vvmmm' sound. When the doors opened they saw a courtroom with podiums in a circle. They each walked over to the podiums and saw that there were names on them. Killua and Gon found their podiums which were beside each other, with Ibuki on Killua's other side and Nagito on Gon's other side.

Monokuma gave another brief explanation of how the class trial works.

"My courtroom is 100% fair, I'll have you know. And one of yas is the culprit, so you better fight with your claws 'beared'!" He shouted, raising a paw.


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