⎯⎯ ୨Chapter 09୧ ⎯⎯

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"Me and Killu confessed to each other!" Gon replied for him.

"Huh?" Everyone went silent.

"You mean like, love confession?" Ibuki asked.




Everyone was silent.

"So, me and Killua are not the culprits." Gon said, breaking the awkward silence.

"Yep." Hinata confirmed.

Hiyoko talked about how she got a letter from Mahiru asking for her to go to the beach house at 2:00.

"Wouldn't it be reasonable to assume the culprit forged both?" Hinata stated.

"Seeing as the penmanship and contents are almost identical, it definitely would." Chiaki confirmed.

"We should interpret this to mean that the culprit forged the letters as a means to gain control of their actions." Nagito pointed out.

"S-so big sis Mahiru's killer was playing me like a fiddle?" Hiyoko asked.

"Meaning you went to the beach house at 2:00 like it said in the letter, didn't you?" Hinata said.

"What took place after that is very important. Could you tell us what happened?" Pekoyama piped up.

"Uh... well... I-I fell asleep!"

"How could you just fall asleep?!" Killua shouted.

"It's not like I wanted to! I probably got knocked out with some kind of drug."

"Come to think of it, hazardous chemicals normally regulated by the EPA were just sitting out on the shelves of the pharmacy of the new island." Mikan pointed out.

"And when I came to... I was in the closet. I rushed out and s-saw... big sis Mahiru's body!"

"So then you fell into a panic and ran out of the beach house?"

"I-I was scared outta my mind! I had no idea what was going on! I was so scared I c-couldn't even think straight!" Hiyoko stuttered out.

"The culprit most likely intended to frame you from the very beginning. That's why they called you to the beach house before the victim and kept you unconscious in the closet." Chiaki said.

"The whole reason why they blocked the door with Mahiru's body was to ensure Hiyoko left her footprints." Tanaka pointed out.

"All of their actions point toward framing Hiyoko."

Suddenly Kuzuryu began shouting. "Sure it's wise ta trust her dat easily? Dem's crocodile tears fer all we know!" His shouting and distrust cause Nagito to start up one of his speeches again.

"Nagito, shut the fuck up." Killua glared at him.

They began talking about how the culprit must have hidden in one of the surfboard cases.

"Pekoyama, was it you?"

"Why do you think it was me?" Pekoyama demanded.

"Because of how you arrived for the swim party at the dinner. The beach house didn't have any towels for you to take advantage of, and it takes time to drip dry. Didn't feed us that line about swimming in an attempt to weasel your way around it?" Hinata listed.

"'Ey! Enuff a' dis crap! Sounds ta me like youse only saw her at da diner!" Kuzuryu shouted. "Ya never aw her come outta the beach house! Well? Did ya?! So for all ya know, she really was swimmin'!"

"None of us did see her swimming, man." Kazuichi sweat dropped.

"N-not true... I s-saw her wit' my own two eyes." Kuzuryu said. "After I ran inta youse wise guys at da diner... I passed by her on my way back to the hotel. S-so dere ya have it! Eyewitness evidence dat dame came from da opposite direction from da beach house!"

"Hold up... that doesn't make any sense, and you know it. It contradicts what you said earlier, remember? You claimed you went straight back to the hotel after bumping into us and you didn't see anyone along the way." Hinata called out his lie.

Killua and Gon watched as the two went back and forward.



"I said that's enough." Pekoyama repeated. "Any further argument at this point is nothing more than a practice in futility."

"If you acknowledge your guilt, this case is closed! Press onward! Launch into vot-" Tanaka was cut off by Chiaki. "Wait just a second. Before we vote, I'd like to ask Pekoyama about her motive first."

"My motive? Can't this wait till after we vote?"

"It could affect our verdict. In the end, you didn't have anything to do with Twilight syndrome murder case, did you? So I was wondering what drove you to kill Mahiru."

"You want to know why? I suppose if I had to give an answer... I might say it was for the sake of my greater justice. I would take a life for one reason alone... to see justice done!" Pekoyama declared. "The true order that defines humanity is justice, humanity should take pride in this esteemed virtue. Justice is the eternal sun and indestructible moon, the father who defends our happiness and the mother who smiles gently upon us... if justice should ever vanish from the face of the earth... the world wi;; in the wink of an eye, and all men will cease to smile... but a long as I live!"

"Stop..." Kuzuryu muttered.

"Gleaming overhead in an endless stream... justice must serve as our shining guide!"

Pekoyama grabs a mask.

"I'm tellin' ya to stop, dammit!" Kuzuryu shouted.

"As the brilliance of justice showers down upon my mask... I lay bare the grimy vitals of evil..." She put the mask on. "I can be found, my eyes fixed to the center of the path, as I walk down the road of justice! I am justice's first star of the evening, shining in the darkness of night! Hear the name Sparkling Justice and know it is I!"

Monokuma declared that it was time to vote. Everyone voted.

"Wait!!!!" Sonia yelled.

Everyone went silent.

Sonia explained that Pekoyama isn't Sparkling Justice, considering that Sparkling Justice wasn't Japanese. Pekoyama admitted to not being Sparkling Justice.


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