our little mistakes

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The sunlight peering in from the windows surrounding Verena had long been spent when she finally peeled her eyes away from the texts in front of her. Surely she'd been reading for hours, if not for the entire day. She had been young when her father taught her to read. At first, it was simple little stories. Then, once she spoke her desires to learn, he began teaching her High Valyrian; the language of the dragons. She'd only heard the language spoken between her mother and father in quiet tones a few times. She liked to think of it as their own private little language. Of course, she also heard it when she was in the Dragonpit, the trainers there using it to guide their dragons around.

They'd assumed their territory at Dragonstone since Verena was the age of ten. Though she'd only been away from the King's Landing for seven years, she could barely remember what the city looked like. Her mother and father had said vile things about it, however. Even her older brothers had. Specifically about those who lurked inside the Red Keep– the Hightowers, as well as her uncles.

Her brothers, Lucerys and Jacaerys, had told her stories of the things their uncles had put them through. Of the way Lucerys had taken out her Uncle Aemond's eye in one fell swoop in the heat of a fight. She felt goosebumps kiss her skin at the reminder of it. Never could she imagine Lucerys committing a violent action. Now, he was a man grown. He was married, even, as was Jacerys.

She couldn't help but feel as though she would be next, she'd heard her mother and father discussing the matter only days ago.

Verena hated that feeling– the feeling of being a pawn. While her mother swears she's not being sold off to some Lord, she knows somewhere deep down that its all her mother can do. She doesn't despise her mother for it, but she cannot help but feel afraid.

The door behind her creaks open and her mother's face emerges, her lips pulling into a smile upon seeing her.

"Are you ready for our journey tomorrow? We leave at first sign of sunlight," her mother says, her voice as delicate as ever.

"Yes, mother. I had my bags prepared earlier this morning."

They were to leave for the Red Keep on the morrow. King Viserys had called for them to attend a celebratory dinner in his honor, despite his days being numbered. Daemon, her father, hadn't had to tell her that his brother was dying for her to know. It was all the talk among the servants; that the King was passing slowly. Her own mother was to be crowned Queen of the Seven Kingdoms soon, and Verena wasn't sure how she felt about the matter. Dragonstone was her home, she couldn't bear to part with it, nor could she bare to be separated from her parents.

"Good," her mother spoke, stepping fully into the room and approaching her, placing a light hand on her shoulder. "Don't be nervous, my sweet girl. The people of the Red Keep will be grateful to host its future leading family, we will be accepted with open arms."

"Even the Hightowers? Even my Uncle's?"

The question brought Rhaenyra to a halt, her fingers loosening their grip on her shoulder.

"Even them, I believe. The Queen, as much as she wishes for Aegon to assume the throne, is not a traitor, nor is she ill-mannered. She will be kind to you, I swear it," she finally says, wrapping a lock of Verena's silvery-white hair around her finger. Her violet eyes surveyed her from where she stood above her. "You look so much like I did many years ago."

She'd heard the words many times before, not only from her mother, but her father as well. Every time she did, she found herself doubting them.

"Surely I cannot. From what I heard, you were nicknamed 'The Realm's Delight' for a reason," she said, raising an eyebrow at her.

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