midnight sapphires

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It seemed as though Verena's servants were unwittingly determined to raze Verena's life. When they rose her the next morning, she was fitted into a dress much like she had been the previous day, once again a deep shade of red with gold accents. Unlike yesterday, however, her shoulders were barren. The gown clung to her biceps and breasts–which seemed to be the point. As if things couldn't be even worse for her, they had braided her hair partially away from her face, not even allowing her the comforts of shielding the unclad skin.

When she'd managed to catch a glimpse of herself in a passing mirror, she had to force away the gag that threatened to give her away.

It was as though she already belonged to House Lannister.

"I heard that the Lord Loreon is a delightful man to be around," one of the servants was whispering to the other as they finished tidying her hair.

"Are you saying this because you actually believe the claims to be true, or are such things solely for my benefit, Lady Elide?"

Verena's words took the servant by surprise, as she heard the young servants breath hitch.

"Your Grace, I did not mean to cause you any offense–"

"Everyone leave us at once," Verena demanded, and they all scurried out of her rooms in a beat. The room flushed with silence, and she flinched when she found the girl to be frozen stiff, a terrified look painted onto her features.

"I would never take your words as offensive ones, sweet girl. I only wish for you to be honest with me. Who told you to say such things?" she asked, her voice lighter than ever. 

The girl took a deep breath, her eyes moving to the floor before she whispered, "Lord Loreon did, your grace."

"Did he tell you to say it before or after he forced you to bed him?"

Elide's eyes shot up to meet Verena's in a flash, red consuming the entirety of her cheeks within seconds.

"Your Grace, I would never–could never–"

"I know you wouldn't," Verena said softly, forcing her eyes to show that of genuine softness. "But I know he could. You can tell me the truth, I will not utter a word to anyone of it."

Dark eyes turned glassy as Elide stared at her, fear muddling into sorrow.

"The night of the great dinner, he corned me in the servants halls–said you had rejected his hand. I think he was inebriated, Your Grace. He said that I must follow him–that he had something to show me. He took me to his chambers and–and–and I–"

"I do not wish for you to relive such horrible events, Elide. You are very brave. Much braver than I," Verena whispered, blinking past the burn in her own eyes. "I thank you for your courage. If you ever need someone to talk to about this, feel open to coming to me, no matter the hour."

Elide nodded, the tears that had built up flew freely down her cheeks now.

"Hey," Verena whispered, placing tentative fingers underneath the girls chin, tilting it up to face her. "This is not your fault, sweetling, it is his."

"Please do not wed him, Your Grace," was all the girl whispered.

"I will do everything in my power to see that you are taken care of, my Lady. You have always been kind to me, even when I didn't deserve it. Please, from now on, call me Verena."

"You deserve nothing but kindness, Verena. You should hear what the other servants say about you; I've never heard them utter an ill word against your name."

"Then you all flatter me. I am lucky to have you all," she said, a soft smile blooming across her lips. It was truer than anything she'd ever spoken before.

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