a walk in the gardens

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Verena was having her hair braided when Lord Loreon requested her presence the following morning.

It was shortly after her returning from breakfast when he'd arrived outside her room, inviting her to accompany him on a morning walk. She had briefly contemplated the idea of refusing him altogether, even with his pleading gaze and fidgeting fingers. The words no thank you were on the tip of her tongue when she remembered her parents' requests.

We need alliances, Verena, they had said at breakfast, their eyes just as pleading as Lord Loreon's.

The King will not live much longer, and your mother's claim to the throne will be questioned and protested following his death, Daemon had said. She had cringed against the words, though she knew them to be true ones. Despite Rhaenyra being the King's firstborn child, as well as his named heir, their would always be protests due to her gender.

They had spent that morning informing Verena of the alliances they needed, including that of House Lannister. Rhaenyra had tarnished that alliance by denying Lord Lannister's hand in such a harsh manner all those years ago, so it was now up to Verena to mend it with Loreon. She had not spoken to them of Aemond's claims; they were now useless. Even if they were to be true, it didn't matter anymore. Verena knew of her duties to her family; which was to be wed off in order to secure alliances. If wedding herself to Lord Loreon meant that her mother would have a secure position to the throne, Verena would do so without hesitation.

The Lord had excused himself once she'd agreed, promising to return in half an hour to collect her, giving her time to ready herself for the occasion. Her servants, as if already knowing the situation, dressed her in a deep red gown, gold accents swirling along the bodice.

Verena hated it, despite its beauty. It wasn't her.

Instead of ridding herself of it and requesting a different gown, she swallowed her pride and let them continue braiding her hair, their fingers twisting and pulling at it much quicker than before.

When Lord Loreon showed up the second time, his presence made clear by a short tap to her door, she didn't hesitate opening it, her practiced smile in place as she did so.

"Lord Loreon," she greeted, meeting his pleased gaze with one of innocence.

"Princess," he responded lightly, offering up his arm for her taking.

The conversation was dull; something she had expected. He knew little to nothing of the histories or philosophies that she'd spent so much time studying, nor did he know anything of dragons. When she offered to introduce him to Syrinx one day, he'd flinched away as if she'd insulted him. It had taken every ounce of her being not to roll her eyes at it.

"What is it that you are interested in, my Lord?" she finally asked.

"I rather enjoy attending celebrations, like last night," he responded as they rounded another hallway. She realized that they were heading to the gardens. "It is nice to mingle with everyone from time to time."

his words screamed, but she only smiled at him.

"Last night was the first event that I've attended," she informed him as they entered the gardens, her hands dancing along some of the flowers there.

His teeth flashed at her as he returned her smile.

"In truth, I was quite surprised to have seen you last night. I was afraid your mother would keep you hidden away forever. Such beauty should not be contained for so long."

She wanted to retch.

"You flatter me," she said, forcing a blush to come to her cheeks.

"Surely you must be aware of the beauty you display, Princess."

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