Tom Hiddleston is a Vampire

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Y/n p.o.v

You couldn't wait to start acting in the new Loki series, especially with Tom Hiddleston being there. You could feel the butterfly's in your stomach just thinking about it. Once you gotten to the set, you met Sophia Di Martino the women that plays Sylvie, gosh she's gorgeous.
"Hi, nice to finally meet ya," she said shaking your hand smiling brightly at you. " You must be y/n."

You responded, " yeah that a be me." You joked anxiously.

"Well I hate to cut it short, but I have to go and shoot my scene." She patted you on the shoulder and left.

A person came and got you over to the dressing room and handed you a script to go over lines. You are playing just a small part as a bartender and have a few lines. You didn't care cause Tom would be the one you are talking to giving him warnings about whatever the episode is about.

As you where going over it a voice startled you ," excuse me darling do you know when I'll be shooting my next scen-" he paused when he realized you weren't who he thought you were , you looked up at him your heart skipping when you realized who it was," I apologize mam/sir I thought you were someone else. " He put his head down embarrassed.

You got up seeing him in his Loki outfit  ," oh no your fine." You chuckled, and shook his hand, "I'm y/n it's a pleasure to meet you Mr.Hiddleston."

"Please Mr. Is so formal just call me Tom y/n. " You blushed.


He noticed the script that was in your hand," I see your playing a part." He paused mind I ask what it is your playing? "

You shrugged, " oh just some bartender with a few lines that tell Loki about stuff." You looked down at your feet.

"Ah, I see well that's a bummer cause someone as beautiful/handsome as yourself should have a bigger role. " He smiled.

Did you just hear that correctly, no no it must've been your imagination, I mean he only just met you. You just playfully threw your hand at him," awe stop now."

He just kept smiling at you. Loving the way you kept being shy and awkward around him," no I mean it. "

Oh gosh what do I say to that, he must be joking now." Well I better go over my lines and try not stumble over words." You sat back down at the chair and looked at it.

"Well if you want to rehearse the lines being that we're together in them then just let me know and I'll be here." He did his little hehe laugh and left.

You just smiled and felt like crying out happy tears. Meeting Tom Hiddleston was the most amazing thing ever, what could possibly go wrong?

One month later

After the director that day saw how you where acting as a bartender he mysterious told everyone to go home that day and was rewriting the script now. You and Tom grew close as friends as you waited for the director to tell everyone to come back on set.

Tom would always buy you food, but never himself any. You never questioned it though, maybe it's his way of being nice.

You got the courage to ask Tom on a date and he said yes immediately.

Toms p.o.v

I finally found someone to be with me forever ,but I'll have to take it real slow at first I don't want to scare them. It's just when I first saw them I knew they where the one for me. Once I found out she/he only had a small part I knew I had to hypnotize the director and have the make more parts for y/n.

A chime came from my phone, it was from y/n . If only my heart can skip a beat when I saw it was from her/him. They asked me if I would like to go on a date with them, which I responded with a yes. I'll have to go real slow when telling her, though... I would be hurt if I scared her/him off.

Y/n p.o.v
The date was successful that night and Tom and I really connected , we really grew close the more dates we went on ,but something always seemed off with him after some time. It really didn't bother me that much so I really didn't think of it.

"Tom, is something the matter?" I asked.

He looked at me," no nothing y/n you could never do nothing wrong." He said looking down at his phone. " Ah the script is being sent out to everyone, so I'll see you tomorrow night." He kissed me passionately and smiled," I love you y/n, if anyone tried to hurt you I would kill them." He then walked away leaving you speechless.

Well as charming and dark that was you just went on about your day.

The next day on your way to the set it was getting dark and raining real hard, so you could barely see anything. After finally finding a parking spot you couldn't help notice two cars where here. ' that's odd,' you thought ' am I to early?' I noticed Tom's car ,so I got out with the umbrella and went ahead inside the building, " hello?" I called. No one answered.

I went to Tom's dressing room to see if he maybe was in there rehearsing his lines and found the most horrifying thing.

Toms p.o.v

I'm usually the first one here on set to go over lines with myself, but that wasn't the case a car that I have never seen before was here.

Going inside the building and into my dressing room I noticed someone sitting in my chair. " Excuse me this is my dressing room." I said calmly.

" Oh is it now?" The stranger mocked. He got up and looked at me," took a long time to finally find you, and not look." He smiled something that would make your skin crawl.

"I'm sorry sir I have no idea what your talking about." I plaid it off like I didn't know what he meant. I stood there though challenging the man.

" I knew you where going to say that," he replied , " you know for a vampire you sure are kinda dumb." He laughed sarcastically.

I was annoyed now," how did you know?" I asked walking slow to the man.

"It's quite easy, I followed you and that women/man your with." He thought for a moment," y/n was it?"

My body tensed and I was getting angry now, " what do they have to do with this?" I asked.
I had stopped now looking directly in his eyes.

"Oh nothing it's just that if you don't come with me and all I'll cut them up like a fish. " He laughed wickedly.

That's it I zoomed real fast on him and snapped his neck and sunk my teeth into his neck and let out a moan," I also forgot to mention I was hungry too" I then proceeded to drink when I heard a gasp. I looked up to see y/n staring at me in shock and saw her/him run. No no no this can't be happing. I threw the guy down and chased after them.

She was out to her/his car struggling to get their keys out. I heard them whispering please please hurry. They achieved to get the door opened ,but I slammed it from behind them. " Please I won't tell no one what I saw." She/he whispered.

I snuggled in her hair with my eyes close and exhaling out," I know you won't y/n , but please try to understand he was going to hurt you." I explained.

They turned around to face me," why should I believe you?" She/he asked looking up at me with their e/c.

"Because I love you , and I only kill bad guys." I teared up afraid of loosing them. " If you don't love me anymore I understand I'll hypnotize you and make you forget that we ever met. " I sighed. Looking at them with my puppy dog eyes.

They sighed and just hugged me," first of all I'm glad you only kill bad guys , second of all I don't want to forget you, and third of all I love you to." She/he kissed me," now can we get back inside before I catch my death out here," they laughed and I smiled.

"Yes my love we shall." We both went inside the building and went inside the dressing room to get changed and warmed up. I am the happiest vampire now.

Hope you all liked it this was a request so hopefully it was good 😊

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