The Manuscript 💻📖📃

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A/n: First off, TYSM for choosing to read this! I don't wanna let this take too long but some disclaimers!! No sexual continent whatsoever!! These kids are 13-15 and all I'm going to write is crushy stuff. Also this isn't just a romance-it has an actual plot-and yes o do believe that that makes a romance better. Ok I'll shut up now. enjoy!

Natalie was having the best dream of her life. She was walking along the red carpet-her arm around Walker's-and a reporter snapped a photo of them together. Later in that dreamworld night, Natalie had examined the photo, where Walker was looking at her with utter awe, and she had a smile that illuminated the entire carpet. Well, it all came to a schreeching halt when her alarm went off.

She opened her right eye first to discover she had drooled again, and her phone was still held tightly in her hand. Now, with a sudden motive to be awake, Natalie quickly checked her notifications. Nothing. It had been a whole month, and she'd heard no response for her manuscript.

Ok sure, her creative writing teacher had called it a junk of garbage, but Natalie knew somewhere in her wordy brain that the screenplay was extraordinary. That, or it's all she had spent her time for the last eight months and didn't want it all to be for nothing.

Nevertheless, Natalie lifted herself out of bed, as much as she longed for the covers, and reached for her alarm. But it wasn't going off. It took her a moment, than she heard the holler from downstairs.

Oh shit. Natalie rubbed her eyes than checked the time. Almost past noon. She huffed. At least four hours shy of her record. So what was her mom even comping about?

Finding some decent clothes from her hamper, she briskly brushed her teeth to get that not-so perfect grin. She ended up in some pj sweatpants and a cropped-tank top she'd snuck from her mom's closet, and stumbled down the stairs.

"Coming! Coming!" Natalie shouted, her phone still gripped in her palm.

She jumped onto the stair landing before turning and using the rail for momentum. With her socks, she glided like an ice skater right into the kitchen where she collided with her mom.

Cursing a tangle of obscenities under her breath, Natalie's mom sighed with annoyance. "Cold pancakes are on the counter-eat them or not, just make sure there on there when I get back-"

But Natalie continued to trail her mother to the front door with more wild questions. "Where ya going? Who'll be there? Can I go?"

You see, most mothers would have found the constant chatting to be infuriating-and she often did, but Natalie's mother was younger the most, and enjoyed her daughter's socialism.

"Classified, classified, and no," Her mom pouted as she threw on some sneakers. It was only than did Natalie see what her mother was wearing.

A flowery blouse, a flimsy, black skirt, and her hair had been recently colored/curled. Also her nails were no longer ridden with nimbles but keenly cut with gel.

Natalie gasped. "A date? At noon? I mean at least dinner would be nice-"

Her mom rose a finger to Natalie's lips and shushed her. "It's not a date-just a professional meeting," her mom clarified than threw her purse over her shoulder. "And as for you-it's Saturday so-"

"Dishes, laundry, and 3000 words minimum." Natalie memorized. The words meaning as a young screenwriter, she needed practice. And boy, was her mom ready to execute that.

"Perfect," her mom smiled, than kissed Natalie on her brow. "I won't be back until 2:30, so get it all done-you here me, Nat?"

Natalie smirked, than nodded. "I gotchu covered mom."

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