Welcome to Hollywood🎬🎞🎥

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Natalie was vibrating with excitement. Her knee was tapping even as she sat in the leather seat. She'd packed four bags, three suitcases, and other purses of random crap in the last 12 hours.

It was still dark out as they approached the Portland airport after traveling across the bridge between Washington State and Oregon.

Nicholas had taken a separate car, so it was just her and her mom on a journey. And just as her mother had expected, Natalie couldn't keep quiet.

"Zoe Qian, actually called my manuscript brilliant! I mean, this woman is a legend. First Asian woman to win three Oscars, director of over five drama adaptations, seventeen action, fourteen coming of age, and twenty-six romance!!" Natalie hadn't stopped grinning since the night before.

Her mother returned the same joy. "I happy to see you happy," This was true, as most things her mom said. It had just been them two since Natalie was born. After working a dozens shifts, her mom finally landed a job as an executive for Amazon. Ever since than things had been great.

Once they reached the airport, the two of them met with Nicholas at their terminal. Natalie offered to get their round of Starbucks so the two could have some 'alone time' in a crowded airport.

Just as she managed to hold three drinks, she spotted a series of keychains in some market shop. Leering her forward, one keychain stood out from the rest.

It was a green pen that hung loosely on its chain. It worked, but it was mostly for display. For some reason, the pen intrigued her. So, she bought it.

Natalie finally found her way back to the terminal and found her mom and Nicholas beaming at each other as they spoke. Natalie didn't even bother to say anything.

Attaching the pen to her backpack, the trio finally boarded the airplane.

It was no surprise that Nicholas had booked them first class, so she sat with her mom, and he sat one row behind the two.

Natalie plugged in her AirPods, nearly shaking from her nerves. This flight would lead her to what she always wanted. This was it.

Natalie took a deal breath, than flipped open her book and simply read.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are now descending to LAX airport, the local time is 10:45 am with clear skies. Enjoy your visit-"

The intercom lady began detailing in some random numbers and reward plans that Natalie didn't care for.

Instead, she pressed her cheeks against the window and watched as the plane collided with the runway. Her knees tapped over the carpeted floors, and finally they stood.

"Had a good flight?" Nicholas asked facing Natalie, but they both knew he meant her mom.

"It was perfect, thank you for covering it for us!" My mom giggled. "Couldn't do it without you."

The three of them exited the aircraft and walked through LAX. Nicholas had to take a phone call, so it was just the two of them to discuss this new adventure.

"Where are we going?" Natalie prodded.

"Our new home for the next 10 months," Her mom smiled. "Than I believe Nick said something about a party tonight."

Natalie narrowed her eyebrows, surprised about how much that little nickname seemed to get to her. "Nick?" She smirked, hiding the discomfort.

Her mom shrugged. "He prefers it."

And that was it. Her mom had t even been interested in anyone for fourteen years, but now this agent guy seemed to change that. Natalie wondered how long they had been discussing about her future.

A blue sports car had arrived to take the three to her new home. Natalie couldn't keep still as she watched them pass the palm trees and beaches.

"When am I going to meet Zoe Qian?" Natalie bounced in her seat.

"Zoe?" Nicholas murmured. "Hmm, maybe in a week if all of our meetings go as planned. And of course the press needs to stay out of it."

Natalie than thought back to her life in Vancouver. She'd only really had a few friends, and she hadn't even bothered to tell any of them about her little trip. So she agreed that it was best to keep the press of the discussion.

It was a short drive before they arrived to a secluded mansion sitting heavily on a high cliff. Just from the outside, Natalie could spot a putting green, a wrap around terrace, and a wrap around pool.

The paneling was a light blue, and the rims of every window and roof hedge were recently coated with white. This house must have been five times the size of her home in Washington.

Without a single word, Natalie broke off into a sprint. She threw open the double doors, and breathed in the lavender scent that sculpted the grand room. She ascended the left staircase, and found sherif in a maze of rooms.

She climbed three more until she found the room she wanted. It had a double king bed and a large, walk in the closet. The bathroom had a wrap around counter and a confusing shower will a million knobs, as well as rich and luxurious bath.

Everything was perfect.

After having a much more detailed tour form Nicholas, Natalie discovers four media rooms, 3 pools, and a million other rooms for various activities.

Her mom had unpacked and started by crafting some lunch for the three of them. Natalie jumped atop the counter, mesmerized by the vivid, red color of the room.

"This place is insane," She exclaimed as her mother cut a sandwich. "We're in freakin Los Angeles!"

"Yes it's all incredible, but you still have school, I've already talked with your new agent who has arranged for a tutor," her mom explained. "It's only September!"

Natalie rolled her eyes. "My agent?"

"Yes, her name is Arya Golding, very famous among the youngsters in film these days," her mom said briefly. "She'll be at the party tonight."

"Okay, speaking about the party, where is it, and who'll be there?" Natalie interrogated.

"Katy Perry's house," Nicholas entered the kitchen, still typing some over his phone urgently. "And we've estimated those who will be in attendance could stretch from The Rock to Debby Ryan."

Natalie beamed. "Really?" She spun to face her mom. "We're gonna meet like a bijillion celebrities!"

Her mom laughed. "You are going to meet a bijillion of celebrities. I will be here, watching some corny rom-coms in the west media room for the entire night."

"And it starts around 10:00, so you'll arrive a bit later to miss the press a bit," Nicholas said. "You'll be attending with a small party of younger actors to sort of blend in."

Natalie suddenly felt numb. "But they don't know who I am. Or what am I even going to wear?"

Nicholas and her mom chuckled.

"We'll have an appearance crew get here around five, and if I am I correct, you'll be attending with..." Nicholas checked his phone. "Priah Ferguson, Oakes Fegley, Elsie Fisher, Arica Hummel, and McKenna Grace."

"Them?" Natalie breathed. "Stranger Things star Priah? 'It' girl McKenna?"

She found it difficult to comprehend.

"And of course, most of them want to portray 'Riley' in your movie," Nicholas explained further. "But you must stay firm-emotions cannot be a factor within casting."

She nodded. It was easy enough to understand. But one thing was clear-imagining these actresses playing something she'd created was more accomplishing than anything Nicholas could have said.

"So, are you up for it?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2022 ⏰

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