Part 1

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The room was dim, not a single candle burning on the autumn night. It was only the soft moonlight through the open window that allowed Aemond to weave his way silently through the furniture to where you slept. Not a sound was made from his careful steps nor did a cricket chirp, it was as if the entire world held its breath.

Cold Valyrian steel pressed to your throat and your lips twitched at the touch of the sharp blade. One clean slice and your life was forfeit, one prick in the right spot and your sheets would soak up your life blood as it spurted from your throat. It would bring the Targaryen prince infamy to kill the princess of his family's enemy.

"Unless you wish to lose your manhood, you should sheath your blade, Aemond One-Eye," you said as you opened your eyes to see his silhouette above you.

"You are in no position to give orders, princess."

"Is that so, prince?" You pressed the blade that you never slept without up from your hip, the sharp tip piercing the sheets and the leather trousers at the juncture of his thighs.

The moon broke the clouds and his hair caught the light enough that you could see his features, and the hint of amusement on them.

"Even if I die, I can promise you that your life would certainly lack the finer pleasures in it."

His lips curled up in a dark smile before he traced his blade down the valley of your breasts, taking the cover of your sheets down with it. "What does a protected, innocent little princess know of such things?"

Your back arched into the kiss of metal and your nipples were bared to the night air, quickly pebbling at the loss of warmth. "I'm not as protected as you might think, nor am I innocent. It is just as easy for me to evade the guards leaving as you did coming here. So, there are a great many pleasures I know, none of which I have found within those walls."

"That is quite the secret to tell your enemy," Aemond murmured as his eyes traced the shape of your lips before drifting back to your breasts. "You should really keep such things to yourself."

You chuckled and dragged the flat edge of your blade over the hard length tightening his trousers, watching his lips part with a sharp intake of breath. "You can shout it to the world, tell everyone you meet how I thoroughly enjoy mounting a man and riding his cock until the sun breaks the horizon. Tell them all how I love to see their teeth marks left on my skin and feel the ache in my cunt for days when they are finished fucking me."

Even in the dim light you could see his pupil explode with dark desire and his blade drew a thin line of blood above your heart with a trembling hand, as if it was taking all his strength to fight the urge to carve it from your chest. He bared his teeth at the sight of the red welling on your skin and growled into your ear, "No one would believe the word of your enemy."

"I know," you said with a smirk that taunted him more than your dirty words. Your warm blood rolled over your skin to drip on the white sheets and you ran a lazy finger through the thin cut, hissing at the sweet sting it elicited. "You stained my sheets."

Aemond scoffed and threw your blankets from your body to see the thin blade that had threatened him. "I have stained many ladies' sheets."

"Of that I have no doubt, but I do owe you now." You leapt from the bed and he was quick to react, but not quick enough. Your bare feet met the cold, stone floor at the same time you stuck. The blade was more like an extension of your arm than a separate weapon for all the years you had trained with it and like most men, Aemond underestimated you.

The prince laughed as you stepped back and licked your blade, tasting the dragon blood on your tongue as more of it seeped into his black tunic. The scar would match yours perfectly and you grinned as he tore the ruined clothing from his body to bare the wound to you. "Now we are even."

Midnight Blades [Aemond Targaryen x female!reader]Where stories live. Discover now